Ideathon Nobel Prize Series Contest 2016 :

Organization : Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
Competition Name : Ideathon Nobel Prize Series Contest 2016
Applicable For : Students of 11th and 12th & Undergraduate
Submission Last Date : Nov-30-2016

Website : nobelprizeseries [dot] in


The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, in collaboration with Nobel Media AB, Sweden introduces the Nobel Prize Series-India Programme.

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The Nobel Prize Series is an exciting initiative which brings together Nobel Laureates and eminent scientists to stimulate innovation and creative thinking amongst young students of science. The very first edition of the Nobel Prize Series in India will be hosted as a part of Vibrant Gujarat scheduled to be held in Gandhinagar from the January 9-13, 2017.

As part of the Series, a nationwide Ideathon contest is launched for young students across India. They are expected to come up with innovative ideas based on science for the cause of India’s development. The most outstanding ideas will be showcased during the Nobel Prize Series – India 2017 and the students will get a unique opportunity to meet the visiting Nobel Laureates

Eligibility and Selection Criteria:
The contest is open to:
** Students of 11th and 12th grades with science as their major,
** Undergraduate students from all disciplines.

The applicant should be a citizen of India. The applicant must be presently enrolled in a college/institution/university located in India. Every idea should be based on science, should be practical, and should be able to benefit the society. Each selected application will go through multiple review stages. The reviewers will include researchers, scientists, and faculty members belonging to reputed institutes, universities, and research organizations across the country.

Terms and Conditions:
** Only one registration and entry per applicant is permitted. Applicants found with multiple entries will be disqualified.
** The idea must be original and should not be copied in either full or part. If it is noticed at any point of time that the idea is not original the entry will be disqualified and the applicant will be debarred from the contest.
** The decision of the organizers will be final and binding.
** The applicants agree to provide current, complete and accurate information as required in the registration form.
** The applicants are encouraged to regularly check their email and the official website for any announcements or updates.
** Only the selected applicants will be notified by email. It is the responsibility of the applicant to check their emails regularly around the date of “notification of acceptance”. The selected applicants who do not respond to the notification of acceptance email will not be followed up further after a waiting period of three days.

This post was last modified on August 1, 2023 5:43 PM

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