cept.ac.in Logo Design Competition 2015 : FPAA Faculty of Planning Alumni Association

Organisation : FPAA Faculty of Planning Alumni Association CEPT University
Announcement : Logo Design Competition
Last Date : 15th September 2015

Home Page : http://cept.ac.in/news/logo-design-competition-by-fpaa

Logo Design Competition by FPAA :
Faculty of Planning Alumni Association (FPAA) seeks entries for designing its Logo that best expresses the theme of the association.

About FPAA :
Faculty of Planning Alumni Association is working towards creating a platform for the Planners of CEPT University who are making difference in the society. It also aims at bringing the synergy between student community of the Faculty of Planning, its alma mater and the Alumni. The association mandates few activities that bring together these stakeholders and strives for achieving the high esteem of professionalism in planning both within Faculty of Planning and the outside world.

Requirement :
Logo must be your original work and designed to inspire. Copyright characters or copyright clip art will not be accepted. Calligraphic or digitally created letterforms or existing fonts, or a combination of these can be used for designing the logo. The logo may also include the word/s ‘FPAA’ or Faculty of Planning Alumni Association.

The logo should be of the size and specification given below:
Size of the final logo: 300mm x 100mm
Resolution: 600 dpi
File type: JPEG or PDF (along with the original for e.g. – corel draw or photoshop file)

You need to submit a brief write-up on logo of around 150 words written in English language along with your contact information (name, email, telephone number).

Eligibility :
This competition is open to all.

Selection criteria :
One design idea will be selected from the submitted entries. The jury will have the right to select or reject any design without assigning any reason thereof. The jury can also request for presentation before selecting the entry.

Judging Criteria:
Clear message/clear image to inspire reading
Creativity and originality
Bright and colourful
Compatible to use on digital platform such website and electronic newsletter

The jury may request modifications in selected entry for adoption as logo.

Prize :
Rs. 10,000 will be awarded to the winner along with appreciation certificate.

Important Dates :
Date of Announcement:17th August 2015
Last Date for submission: 15th September 2015
Declaration of results: 25th September 2015

Each participant is allowed a maximum of two entries (please do not send same logo repeatedly). If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at alumni.sp@cept.ac.in Phone : +91 97379 96186

Note: By submitting his/her entry, the logo designer immediately and voluntarily waives and relinquishes all rights on his/her entry including artistic, moral and economic rights. Hence it shall become the exclusive property of the Faculty of Planning Alumni Association, which may exercise all rights of ownership over it.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:13 PM

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