ISKCON Bangalore Gita Essay Contest 2016-17 :

Organization : ISKCON Bangalore
Competition Name : Gita Essay Contest 2016-17
Submission Last Date : 10-Jan-2017

Website :

Gita Essay Contest:

An opportunity for you to present your knowledge and realization of the Gita’s teachings through your creative writing skills.

Related : International Geeta Mahotsava Gita Marathon :

General Guidelines :
** Essay should be written in English only.
** The length of the essay should be 1500 – 2000 words.
** Give a suitable title to your essay.
** No plagiarism. The essay should be your original creation.
** The sources or references should be mentioned in footnotes.
** Proofread your essay and ensure that there are no spelling and grammatical errors.
** Any philosophical points included in the essay must be in line with the teachings of Srila Prabhupada.
** Any essay violating the above guidelines will not be shortlisted for further evaluation.
** The winner shall be chosen on the basis of the originality of the content, creative and effective writing skills and conformity with Srila Prabhupada’s teachings.

Guidelines for submission :
** Entry is limited to one per person.
** Only individual entries will be accepted.
** The essay can be submitted as a PDF file (.pdf) or MS-Word Document (.doc or .docx)
** The essay should be typed in A4, double line spaced and numbered pages.
** Make sure to fill in all your details in the submission form as this information will be used for further communication.
** Last date for submission of entries is January 10, 2017.

Terms and Conditions :
** The decision of ISKCON Bangalore in selecting the winner shall be final.
** By submitting an entry, the participant agrees to transfer the rights to ISKCON Bangalore for publishing the essay with or without modifications to its content and format in the print media or in the websites managed by ISKCON Bangalore.
** ISKCON Bangalore reserves the right to award prizes or commendation or to reduce the number of prizes and commendations if an insufficient number of deserving essays is received.
** ISKCON Bangalore shall not be responsible for any violation of copyright laws or intellectual property violation laws by the contestant.
** ISKCON Bangalore reserves the right to debar a contestant who violates any of these terms and conditions, without being liable for any notification.
** Participating in this contest confirms that the participant is bound by the above mentioned terms and conditions.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 3:47 PM

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