Oxigen Wallet Meet Sachin Contest 2017 : oxigenwallet.com

Organization : Oxigen Wallet
Offer Name : Meet Sachin Contest
Applicable For : All Offline Merchants
Offer Valid Till : 15th February, 2017

Website : http://www.myoxigen.com/

Oxigen Wallet Meet Sachin Contest

** This offer is applicable to all offline Merchants (retail outlets integrated with Oxigen Wallet as payment mode) of Oxigen.

Related : Oxigen Wallet Load Money Offer 2016 : www.contest.net.in/19331.html

** Top 50 Merchants accross India will stand a chance to meet Sachin Tendulkar.
** Top 50 Merchants will be selected basis volume and the value of payments accepted through Oxigen Wallet.
** For the purposes of this offer, transactions made during 11th December, 2016 to 15th February, 2017 will be valid.

** List of Merchants eligible to meet Sachin will be announced on 28th Feb, 2017 by Oxigen.
** Oxigen will be entitled to verify the credentials of the selected Merchants.
** Merchants must share any documents as may be requested.
** All the documents must be sent at care@oxigenwallet.com 72 hours prior to the date of event.
** In the event of a tie in the selected winners, the winner will be selected on the value of transaction, merchant with higher amount will be chosen as the winner.
** Oxigen will share the venue details with the Winners 10 days in advance.
** Merchants must arrange for its to and fro travel or transportation to reach the venue at his cost.
** The winners cannot assign the gratification to any other person.1
** If Winner fails to produce valid documents, he/she will not be eligible to participate in the event.
** If Winner refuses to attend, he cannot ask for any other gratification in return.

Other T&Cs:
** Oxigen’s decision is final and binding. Participants shall not dispute the decision of Oxigen.
** Oxigen may amend or withdraw the Offer any time without incurring any liability.
** Any person taking the advantage of this offer shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.
** Oxigen Wallet shall not be liable for any hacking or unauthorized use of merchant’s account and it shall be your sole responsibility to ensure privacy and confidentiality of your Wallet Account.
** Unless otherwise indicated, Oxigen shall deem any information voluntarily supplied during the course of the offer and/or personal information provided by the participants as non-confidential, which hereby discharges all obligations of confidentiality. Oxigen shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute the information for its use to third parties without limitation.
** This offer is subject to force majeure conditions.
** Any disputes arising out of or in relation to the Offer shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Delhi only.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 5:47 PM

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