JMI 7th National Moot Court Competition 2017 : Jamia Millia Islamia

Organization : Jamia Millia Islamia
Competition Name : 7th Jamia National Moot Court Competition 2017
Applicable For : Undergraduate LL.B. Degree Students
Registration Last Date : 31st of January, 2017
Submission Last Date: 20th February, 2017
Competition Dates : 17th to 19th March, 2017

Website :
Registration Form :

Moot Court Competition :

The 7th Jamia National Moot Court Competition is organized by Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia. The Competition is to be held from 17th to 19th of March 2017 at Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi – 110025.

Related : Amity Law School 16th Moot Court Competition :

The Competition shall be conducted in the English language only.

Structure of the Competition:
The Competition consists of two levels: (a) Memorial Elimination Round and (b) National Rounds. The top 32 teams which qualify after the Memorial Elimination Round shall participate in the National Rounds, which is comprised of Preliminary Rounds and Advanced Rounds viz. Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals.

a) Each Institution offering an undergraduate LL.B. Degree Course is eligible to participate in the competition. Each Institution can send only one Team. The Competition is only open for students in LL.B. Undergraduate Degree Courses.
b) There shall be a cap on the number of teams participating in the Competition.

Team Composition:
a) Each team shall consist of three members. The substitution of any Team Member is not allowed after the registration Last Date except in extenuating circumstances.
b) Every team shall consist of two speakers and one researcher.
c) A researcher shall be allowed to argue instead of a speaker only with the permission of the Court.

** Teams must register by 31th January, 2017 by sending an email to with the subject “Registration for 7th Jamia National Moot Court Competition” along with scanned copy of the Registration Form.
** The teams must send their memorials from both the sides by 20th February, 2017 for evaluation at The result of the Memorial Elimination Round will be announced on 27th February, 2017.
** The top 32 teams who get selected for the National Rounds must also send an email regarding “Confirmation for participation in the national rounds” at
** Four copies of memorials from each side, the hard copy Registration From and a copy of Demand Draft of Rs. 4000 in favour of “The Registrar, Jamia Millia Islamia” payable at “New Delhi.” must reach college on or before 3rd March, 2017. The address of college is “Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi- 110025”

Oral Round Procedures:
General Procedures:
a) There shall be two preliminary rounds, a quarter final, a semi-final and a final.
b) The Petitioners shall submit their arguments first, followed by the Respondents. Thereafter the Petitioners shall have the option of submitting rebuttals. Sur-rebuttals shall be allowed at the discretion of the presiding judges.
c) The memorials shall be exchanged after the Inaugural Ceremony and Registration on 17th of March 2017 on the basis of “draw of lots” to ensure fairness.

Procedures for Oral Submissions:
a) Each team will get a total of 30 minutes in the preliminary rounds to present their case. This time will include rebuttal and sur-rebuttal time.
b) The division of time per speaker is left to the discretion of the teams subject to a minimum of 10 minutes per speaker.
c) The oral arguments should be confined to the issues presented in the memorial.
d) The researcher shall sit with the speakers during the oral rounds and can be permitted to speak at the discretion of the bench. However, only the two speakers will be allotted marks in oral rounds.
e) Passing of notes to the speaker by the researcher is not allowed.
f) Maximum scores for the oral rounds shall be 100 marks per speaker per judge.
g) The speakers can provide the copies of the compendium, only if the same is permitted by the panel of judges in their respective court rooms. It is to be noted that no loose sheets of papers are allowed to be passed on.

h) The oral rounds shall be judged on the following criteria:
** Understanding of Law 20 Marks
** Application of Law to Facts 20 Marks
** Integrity, Logic, Reasoning, and Clarity 20 Marks
** Persuasiveness 10 Marks
** Organisation and Flow of Arguments 10 Marks
** Deference and Demeanor 10 Marks
** Time Management: 10 Marks

Any clarifications regarding the competition can be sought from:
** Asst. Prof. (Dr.) Asad Malik, Subject Advisor, Ph. No. +91-9891999938
** Mr. Shoaib Khan, Convener, Moot Court Committee, Ph. No. +91- 9899986912
** Ms. Huma Nasir, Co-convener, Moot Court Committee, Ph. No. +91- 9873626358

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:37 PM

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