Alpenliebe POP Crazy Mouth Selfie Contest 2015 : Perfetti Van Melle India

Organization : Perfetti Van Melle India Private Limited
Competition Name : Alpenliebe POP Crazy Mouth Selfie Contest 2015
Applicable States/UT : All India
Competition Last Date : 21st September 2015

Website :

Alpenliebe POP Crazy Mouth Selfie Contest:
Alpenliebe POP Crazy Mouth Selfie (hereinafter referred to as ‘Contest’) is conducted by Perfetti Van Melle India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘PVM India’) having its registered office 47th Milestone Delhi – Jaipur Highway, Manesar 122050 , Gurgaon (Haryana) and corporate office at 1st Floor ,Tower A, Global Business Park, MG Road, Gurgaon – 122002 (Haryana) through its agency Glitch Advertising Pvt Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘Agency’), being the digital agency having its office at H. No. 441, D-22 Lane, Chattarpur Hills, New Delhi 110074 for. Before par[cipa[ng in the Contest, please read the terms and condi[ons given herein.

Contest Period:
The Contest shall run for the whole of campaign period commencing from 10th July,2015 at 00:00 hours and concluding on 25th Sep 2015 at 23:59 hours, (hereinafter referred to as ‘Term’).

Any entry for the Contest before 10th July 2015 (00:00 hours) and after 21st Sep 2015 (00:00 hours in the night) shall not be entertained and summarily rejected. The contest will be a weekly contest (details below) and will have parallel legs running on the official micorsite (hereinafter referred to as “Microsite“) and the whatsapp number +919595032032 (hereinafter referred to as “Whatsapp “).

The participants can participate on the website in the following ways:
a. Direct upload the clicked selfies with alpenliebe crazy mouth device onto the tab called “Upload crazy selfies” or
b. By uploading selfies under the tab “participate in stories”. Entries from both the above option (a) and (b) will be pooled together to adjudge the winner of the particular week.

Users can also click their selfies with the Crazymouth device and send their selfies on +919595032032 through Whatsapp. The entries for whatsapp will be considered separately from the ones coming in on to the website and winners will be declared on weekly basis separately for entries through the microsite and whatsapp

Contest Slots:
a. Week 1 begins from 10th July 2015 (00:00 Hrs) upto 7th September 2015(23:59 Hrs)
b. Week 2 begins from 8th September 2015 (00:00 Hrs) upto 14th September 2015 (23:59 Hrs)
c. Week 2 begins from 15th September 2015 (00:00 Hrs) upto 21st September 2015 (23:59 Hrs)

(i) Participant(s) must be a ci[zen of India; residing in India. Residents of other countries and non- Indian citizens are not eligible to participate.
(ii) The Employees, agents, associates and promoters of PVM India and of its affiliates, subsidiaries and advertisement agencies (including their immediate family members) and all others directly associated with organising the C o n t e s t ( s ) are not eligible to participate.

Purchase of :
Alpenliebe POP sold by PVM India is required to par[cipate in the Contest. No charges are payable to PVM India or the organisers to par[cipate in or win the Contest. The Contest is not being conducted with a view to earn profit or promote the business or sales of PVM India and is intended to invoke interest in product adver[sement.

To participate in the Contest through Microsite/Whatsapp the par[cipant (the “Participant (s)”) must follow the instructions provided in Annexure I.

There will be 2 number of winners each week for winners of par[cipa[on through microsite and 2 through whatsapp (separately) during the Term of the Contest.

A) The criteria for selection of winners will be as follows:
Prize Selection:
i. Step 1: Buy 2 Alpenliebe POPs & grab a Crazy Moth for free (packs without the offer also available in the market)
ii. Step 2: Put on the Crazy mouth and click random selfies
iii. Step 4: Post these random selfies directly on whatsapp number given on the pack or upload the selfies on the microsite through a) direct upload or b) participate in stories option Participant(s) recognised as a winner(s) are eligible for subsequent prizes during the Term of the entire Contest.

B) A Par[cipant can submit as many entries as he/she wants.

C) Entries may be submimed only according to the procedure described in these terms and condi[ons and instruc[ons provided in Annexure I. Entry submimed through any other mode/ planorm shall not be eligible for the prize/s mentioned herein. The decision of agency/PVM India shall be final, binding and non-contestable.

The tenta[ve dates and [mings for declara[on of prize winner(s) are as per below schedule:
21:00 hours on -11th September, 2015 for week 1 – Microsite and whatsapp
21:00 hours on – 18th September, 2015 for week 2 – Microsite and whatsapp
21:00 hours on -25th September, 2015 for week 3- Microsite and whatsapp

By participating in the Contest, each participant specifically accepts as follows:
(a) that he/ she has fully read and understood all the terms and condi[ons including but not limited to the Annexure I below, the updated version of the terms and condi[ons available on the Contest Microsite, and be uncondi[onally bound by them
(b) that he/she satisfies the eligibility requirements under these rules
(c) that he/she unconditionally accepts the winner so selected
(d) that he/she shall honour all decisions of PVM India with regard to the Contest and its interpretation and not challenge them
(e) to comply with all Central, State, Local Laws and Regulations
(f) that he/ she shall abide by the PVM India Code of Conduct, available at PVM India’s website or group website

Steps on how to make an entry for the Contest through Whatsapp and Microsite:
A. Through Whatsapp:
Step1: Purchase 2 Alpenliebe POP and get 1 crazy mouth (stocks without the offer also available in the market with which crazy mouth is not given free, contest is not valid for this stock)
Step 2: Click a funny / crazy selfie with the crazy mouth
Step 3: Send the selfie to the whatsapp number +919595032032 along with a cap[on
Step 4: You can upload as many selfies as you want but winners will be declared as per the schedule shared above.

B) For ParTcipaTon through the microsite :
There are 2 methods of participating through the website

Option 1: Direct Upload

Step 1: Purchase 2 Alpenliebe POP and get 1 crazy mouth (stocks without the offer also available in the market with which crazy mouth is not given free, contest is not valid for this stock)
Step 2: Click a funny / crazy selfie with the crazy mouth
Step 3: Visit the “Par[cipate” tab on the microsite and click “Directly Upload Selfie”
Step 4 : Enter the details that the microsite prompts to (Name and Email)
Step 5: Submit

Option 2- ParTcipate Through Weekly Stories:
Step 1: Purchase 2 Alpenliebe POP and get 1 crazy mouth (stocks without the offer also available in the market with which crazy mouth is not given free, contest is not valid for this stock).
Step 2: Visit the “Par[cipate” tab on the microsite and click “Par[cipate Through Stories”
Step 3: Read the story and click a selfie with crazy mouth so that it completes / fits in the theme of the story
Step 4 : Enter the details that the microsite prompts to (Name and Email) Step 5: Submit

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