Star TV Chuck Season 5 On FX Contest 2017 :

Organization : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : Chuck Season 5 On FX
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Competition Last Date : 2nd January 2017 between 6:00 pm to 10:30 pm

Website :

#ChuckSeason5OnFX Contest :

The following are the terms and conditions governing the “#ChuckSeason5OnFX” contest hosted by Star India Private Limited on @FXIndia Twitter profile for the promotion of the program “Chuck” to be aired on the channel FX & FX HD in India on 2nd January 2017 onwards every Monday to Friday.

Related : Star TV #Baddies Contest 2017 :

The Contest invites interested persons to participate in the Contest by tagging the Twitter handle @FXIndia and using the ChuckSeason5OnFX hashtag to respond with your answers to the trivia based questions posted during the Contest Period in the manner stated below. The Contest shall be conducted between 6:00 pm to 10:30 pm (IST) on 2nd January 2017.

Principle Rules
1. To participate in the Contest the Participant(s) shall follow the procedure as detailed below:
a) Participant(s) must be citizens of India and of 18 (eighteen) years of age or above at the start date of the Contest Period. The Participant(s) should not have any criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant(s) from participating in the Contest.

b) Employees of and/or consultants of and/or persons hired on contract by Star India, and the members of their immediate family, are ineligible from participating in the Contest.

c) All Participant(s) must have a valid Twitter account to be eligible to participate in the Contest. For the sake of clarity, it is hereby agreed to and confirmed by the Participant(s) that the same does not include a Twitter account opened and operated by a family member and/or friend of the Participant(s).

d) Twelve (12) questions will be asked during the Contest Period. Participant(s) must tweet correct answers to each question fastest, using the Hashtag and must tag the Twitter Handle (“Entry/ies”). Failure to comply with the same shall render the Participant(s) Entry invalid.

e) At the end of the Contest Period, out of all the Entries received within the Contest Period, all Participant(s) who have replied with correct answers in tweets with the hashtag shall be shortlisted and from these, three (03) Participants shall be randomly selected via a randomizer, and such Participant(s) shall be eligible to win the Contest (“Shortlisted Participant(s)”).

f) The Participant(s) shall ensure that the Entry is decent and is not immoral, defamatory, abusive, offensive, insensitive, libelous or blasphemous to any person, religious sect or section of the society, defamatory of any person deceased or alive, etc.

g) It is the sole responsibility of the Participant(s) to ensure that the Entry submitted does not infringe the rights of any third party including rights in any intellectual property and shall be original in form. Further, duplicate Entries or/and two of more identical entries shall be disqualified from the Contest.

Such Participant(s) from the Shortlisted Participant(s) who fulfill all of the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions including submitting of valid Documents (defined herein below) to the satisfaction of Star India shall be entitled to win the Contest.

2. The Shortlisted Participant(s) will be contacted via Direct Message (“Private Message”) to provide their name, age, email ID and phone number (“Contact Details”) to within 24 (twenty four) hours of such Private Message failing which their Entry shall be invalidated.

3. Upon receipt of the Contact Details, Star India shall contact the Shortlisted Participants via email to submit scanned copies of their identity proof, age proof and address proof (eg. Birth Certificate, 10th Class leaving Certificate/ School certificate/ passport/any other valid ID for verification including parents’/legal guardian’s photo ID and relationship proof) within 24 (twenty four) hours of such email.

4. Star India shall make only 1 (one) attempt to reach the Shortlisted Participant(s). In case such Shortlisted Participant(s) fails to revert, his/her selection shall be invalidated and Star India shall not be liable to such Shortlisted Participant(s) in any manner whatsoever.

5. Upon verification of the credentials, only those Shortlisted Participant(s) that are in compliance with the Terms and Conditions requirements stated herein shall be contacted via “Direct Message” option on Twitter, informing them that they are the winner(s) (“Winner(s)”).

6. Communication to the Winner(s) shall be done on or before 25th January 2016 and the Prize (defined herein below) shall be couriered to the Winner(s) thereafter within 45 (forty five) days of the announcement. In case the winner announcement or delivery of the Prize is postponed for any reason whatsoever, Star India shall not be held responsible.

7. The Winner(s) of the Contest shall each win FX Merchandises, the value of which shall not exceed the amount of Rs. 1000/- each (Rupees One Thousand only) (“Prize”). Any change in the Prize shall be at the sole discretion of Star India.

8. Non-conformance by the Participant(s) to any and all the Terms and Conditions herein or as set by Star India from time to time will make such Participant’s Entry(ies) null and void.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

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