TCS Campus Commune Kurukshetra International Techno Management Festival 2017

Organization : TCS Campus Commune
Competition Name : TCS Kurukshetra International Techno Management Festival 2017
Applicable For : Students from the 2017, 18 and 19 graduation batches from all engineering colleges across India
Grand Finale : 4th of Feb 2017

Website :

TCS Kurukshetra:

Kurukshetra- the international techno-management fest conducted by College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai, marked its start in the year 2007. It has been the center of revolutionary thoughts and dreams of ingenious brains. Each year, people from all parts of the world including zealous technocrats, acclaimed scholars, corporate gurus, and glorified bigwigs convene at this fest.

Related : TCS Campus Commune ESRM Ethical Hacking Contest :

Kurukshetra 2017 signifies that it is a battleground, albeit in a metaphorical sense, for students to showcase their skill and knowledge year on year. With a lot of thought-provoking exhibits, the event offers a much needed respite. With more events, bigger prizes and internship opportunities like never before, Kurukshetra 2017 shall truly be a technical extravaganza.

TCS along with CEG Tech Forum (College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai) aims to create a mind share among students from leading technical institutes across India through the TCS Innovate contest.

TCS Innovate Contest @ Kurukshetra 2017 enables TCS to :
** Identify talented students
** Provide the students with an opportunity to develop digital solutions to challenging problems
** Create an interactive environment and enhance exposure to the latest digital trends

The TCS Innovate contest is open to students from the 2017, 18 and 19 graduation batches from all engineering colleges across India. Registrations are invited from students in under graduate/ post graduate disciplines.

The contest is a team based. Team size is 2 and the contest will have three rounds:
1) An Idea submission round
2) Quiz round (All teams that have submitted an idea will progress to the quiz round)
3) Grand Finale – Teams shortlisted from the idea submission and quiz round will be demonstrating their working model and will be making a presentation to a jury at the Grand Finale at the Kurushetra Venue in College of Engineering Guindy – Anna University, Chennai on the 4th of Feb 2017

Theme of the contest:
The theme of the contest would be “Reimagine Our World using Mobility & Pervasive Computing”. In order to have a defined scope following domains have been provided for ideation: Education, Social Causes, Healthcare, Communications, and Transportation

** Top 3 teams will receive prizes. All the Grand Finale participant teams will also have an opportunity for an internship process, subject to the terms and conditions that govern the process.
** This is the third year in succession that TCS is partnering with College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai in conducting a technical fest and we look forward to seeing students from across India to take part in the TCS Innovate contest and other events being conducted at Kurushetra and make this partnering a grand success.

To register for the TCS Innovate Contest:
** If you are a registered member of Campus Commune, Login and click on the home page TCS Innovate contest banner.
** If you are NOT registered on campus commune, register first on and then launch Campus Commune and register for the contest

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 4:56 PM

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