Hindu Young World Club LFL Lit For Life Children’s Fest 2017 : youngworldclub.com

Organization : The Hindu Young World Club
Competition Name : Hindu LFL Lit For Life Children’s Fest 2017
Applicable For : Kids between the ages 5 and 12
Event Dates : 14, 15, 16 January 2017

Website : https://ywc.thehindu.com/

Children’s Fest :

The seventh edition of The Hindu Lit for Life promises to be special as it introduces the Children’s Fest. Come, be a part of it.

Chennai turns sweeter this winter with three days of fun packed activities only for you. An array of workshops on theatre, environment, creative writing, story telling, illustration, books, music, art, science conducted by your favourite storytellers and writers is here for you.

You want more? Then, Zumba away and be a part of the most happening party in town. Come dressed as your favourite literary character to The Mad Hatter’s Tea party and win prizes for best costume, illustration and story. If you are between the ages 5 and 12, mark your calendar and be a part of the Children’s Festival at The Hindu Lit for Life in Chennai.

Open for only 50 children per session. First come first serve basis.

The Lady Andal Venkatasubba Rao Matriculation School Premises, Harrington Road, Chetpet, Chennai. Look out for the Enchanted Land and The Magic Burrow.

14, 15, 16 January 2017

Registration Fee:
Rs. 1000 per workshop per child

Age group:
5-8 years (Junior) and 9-12 years (Senior)

Terms and Conditions:
1. Parents are requested to accompany their child to the venue.
2. Parents may need to wait outside the workshop venue while the workshop is in progress.
3. Each workshop would need a separate registration.
4. Age criteria needs to be strictly followed (Juniors: 5-8 years, Seniors: 9-12 years)
5. Only 50 registrations permitted per workshop, on a first-come first-serve basis.
6. Registration fee is non-refundable.
7. No on-the-spot registrations will be entertained.
8. Material will be provided for the workshops.

This post was last modified on February 19, 2021 11:51 AM

Categories: Kids/Children
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