CBSE Online Quiz On Yoga, Holistic Health & Swachh Bharat 2017 :

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : CBSE Online Quiz On Yoga, Holistic Health & Swachh Bharat 2017
Applicable For : Any bonafide student of a CBSE affiliated school
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Competition Dates : 10th to 16th January 2017 (First Stage) & 24th January 2017 (Second Stage)

Website :
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CBSE Online Quiz :

CBSE is going to organize an online quiz on Yoga, Holistic Health and Swachh Bharat.


CBSE Result Online Quiz on Yoga 2017 :

Target Group: Students in the CBSE affiliated schools in the following categories:
Junior: upto class VIII
Senior: class IX and above

The schools may participate in any one of the category or in both the categories.

Any bonafide student of a CBSE affiliated school can participate in the quiz in the respective categories through the school. Individual entries will not be accepted.

Medium: Hindi/ English

Stages of the Quiz:
There will be 02 stages of the quiz

First Stage (School level quiz conducted by the school): 10th to 16th January 2017
The schools may conduct a quiz on any day during 10th to 16th January 2017. The quiz should majorly focus on Yoga, Holistic Health and Swachh Bharat. The schools will select best two students (one team) from each category (Junior and Senior categories separately) who will be eligible for participation in the second stage i.e. online quiz.

For participation in second stage, the schools have to register themselves and the names of the winners in each category on under the link ‘Yoga Quiz’. This link will be active from 16th to 18th January 2017 (till 5:00 p.m.). Registration submitted by any other mode like email, post etc. shall not be considered.

There will be no registration fee. A ‘Registration Number’ is generated after submission of registration form. The registration number should be saved as it will be essentially required for downloading of login-id and password of the second round.

Second Stage: (CBSE level Online Quiz): 24th January 2017
In the second stage, CBSE will organize an online quiz on 24th January 2017. During the online quiz, the schools will require a computer with internet facility. The time of online quiz will be 10:00am-10:45am (Junior Category) and 11:30am-12:15pm (Senior Category).

Guidelines for Online Quiz conducted by the Board:
1. For participation in online quiz (second stage), the schools can download user-id and password from the link “Yoga Quiz”, which will be available on from 16th to 18th January 2017.
2. Schools will provide the user id and password to the students only on the day of the online quiz.
3. Best entries shall be selected on the basis of maximum scores obtained and minimum

The participating schools may note the following:
1. Participants have to be present in their own school and the Online Quiz competition will be held under the personal supervision of the Principal of the school.
2. The participant has to login using his/her user id and password, which shall be sent to registered email id or can be downloaded from website.
3. The total time duration for the quiz will be 45 minutes.
4. There shall be a total of 50 Multiple-choice questions.
5. There shall be no negative marking.
6. Attempting all questions is not compulsory.
7. Once submit button is clicked, the score and time shall be saved and no changes can be made thereafter.
8. It will be the responsibility of Principal of the school to ensure that there is no objectionable content in yoga quiz.
9. The schools must ensure uninterrupted broadband connection, one computer with back-up power for the smooth conduct of online quiz competition. The school must test the system one day in advance.
10. The technical failure shall not be considered the reason for re-conduct of the quiz and School shall be responsible for provision of all required technical support.
11. There are no sample papers/questions available for the quiz. Please explore various knowledge resources (reference books, magazines, journals, textbooks, online resources etc.).

For claiming the prize money, the Principal of the school shall send a bonafide certificate of the winner in the proforma given in Annexure 1 within three days of declaration of the result on the email id

For further queries you may send an email to Dr. Manjit Singh, Deputy Director at

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

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