Idea Voice Chat Service Challenge 2015 : ideacellular.com

Organisation : Idea Cellular Ltd
Announcement : Idea Voice Chat Service Challenge 2015
Last Date : 15th November 2015

Terms & Conditions : http://www.ideacellular.com/wps/wcm/connect/idea/promotions/idea-voice-chat-service-challenge
Home Page : https://www.myvi.in/

Idea Voice Chat Service Challenge (Idea UP East) :
Terms & Conditions of the Challenge for the participants :
Please read these Terms and Conditions (T&C) carefully before registering to participate in this “Idea Voice Chat Challenge” (the “Challenge”). By proceeding with your registration and participation in this Challenge you hereby acknowledge and accept the Challenge and thereby agree to be legally bound by its T&C mentioned hereunder. If you do not agree to abide by these T&C, please do not participate in this Challenge.

This Challenge is conceptualized, organized and conducted by Spice Digital Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 and having its registered office at 60 D, Street No. C 5, Sainik Farms, New Delhi – 110062 and its corporate office at S Global Knowledge Park, Plot No. 19A & 19B, Sector-125, NOIDA – 201301, Uttar Pradesh, (hereinafter referred to “SDL”); in association with Idea Cellular Limited, a company having its registered office at Suman Tower, Plot No. 18, Sector – 11, Gandhinagar – 382 011 and its circle office at Fortuna Towers, 10, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226001,Uttar Pradesh (hereinafter referred to as “Idea”).

SDL and Idea shall hereinafter be jointly referred to as “Organizers”.

This Challenge is purely on a “best effort” basis and participation of eligible Subscribers in this Challenge is voluntary. Spice Digital Ltd in association with Idea, reserves the right to participation in this Challenge.

1. Duration/ Period of the Challenge :
This Challenge is open for a limited period from 17th September’15 00:00:00 hours till 15th November 15 23:59:59 hours (“Challenge Period”).

2. Eligibility Criteria:
2. The Challenge is open for active pre-paid as well as post-paid category of cellular subscribers of Idea, who calls to Idea Voice Chat (“Service”) in telecom circle of U.P.(East) only (the “Subscribers”). For the sake of clarity, a “Subscriber /Participant” for the purpose of this Challenge shall mean and include an individual/person, who is the rightful owner/user of the pre-paid or post-paid mobile connection of Idea, registered in UP (E) telecom circle and in whose name the mobile connection is active and registered as per the records maintained by IDEA Cellular Ltd (and which shall be conclusive).

In case a Participant is an employee of a company and the mobile connection used by him is registered in the name of an employing company, the employee /user can participate in the Challenge provided that the employing company issues a letter to this effect certifying that the particular employee/user has been allotted the specific mobile connection, and intended to be used by the employee for participating in the Challenge. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, wherever the context so requires “You” or “Your” shall mean any natural person who is a Subscriber.

2.2 In order to be eligible for this challenge a Participant must fulfill the following criteria-
** He/She should be above 18 years of age.
** He/She must be citizen of India.
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence
** He/she should not be of an unsound mind.
** He/she must belong to the telecom circle mentioned above; and He/She must not have any criminal record nor should be of an unsound mind.
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

2.3. The employees of “Spice Digital Ltd” and their group companies affiliate or associate companies; are not eligible to participate in this Challenge.

2.4. This Challenge is not available for Idea Employees and their relatives; also the subscriber of UPE roaming outside is not eligible to participate.

2.5. The participant with outstanding amount as dues pending and payable to Idea shall not be eligible to participate in this Challenge.

2. Also, by participating in this Challenge, You:
A. Warrant that you have read understood and agreed to confirm to these Terms and Conditions.

B. Warrant the accuracy, truthfulness and currency of all information that you have submitted.

C. Agree that you are entering into this Challenge as an independent party and nothing herein establishes an employer-employee relationship between you and Idea or between you and SDL and you are acting voluntarily, using your own time and resources to participate in the Challenge, solely at your own risk.

D. Warrant that prior to participating in the Challenge, it shall be deemed that you have read and have agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions herein.

E. Warrant that you shall be solely liable and responsible for the material or content, if any shared/ used by you while participating in this Challenge.

F. Warrant that you shall not, while participating in this Challenge, indulge in any activity which is fraudulent, threatening, abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, slanderous, profane, racially objectionable or hurt any religious or communal feeling, including, without limitation, any material that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or result in civil liability and shall not contain any material that enrages the public sentiments or violates any legislation or policy for the time being in force.

3. Participation, Charges & Selection of Top Performer/s
3.1. Participation and Charges:
This Challenge is purely on a “best effort” basis and participation of eligible Subscribers in this Challenge is voluntary. To participate in this Challenge, a Subscriber/Participant shall have to fulfill the following criteria-

i. Dial short code 55694XXXX (Browsing charge Rs. 3/minute) and 55696XXXX (Browsing charge Rs. 4/minute) for participating in the Challenge. During the Challenge Period, a Subscriber may dial short code 55694XXXX (Browsing charge Rs. 3/minute) and 55696XXXX (Browsing charge Rs. 4/minute) any number of times each day to participate in the Challenge (hereinafter referred to as “efforts/attempts”).

ii. Further, the Subscriber participating in this Challenge and generating the highest Minutes of Usages (MOUs) during the Challenge Period by using the Service under the Challenge in accordance with the Highest MOU’s selection process under the Terms and Conditions of the Challenge, shall be required to be eligible to the gratification only if he is the registered Subscriber of the mobile phone number (“Eligible Subscriber”) chosen as the Highest MOU’s and not merely the person using such mobile number (“Highest MOU’s”). If the Highest MOU’s subscriber is not able to provide sufficient evidence to show that he/she is the registered Subscriber of the mobile number, the Organizers reserve the right to award the gratification to the next eligible Highest MOU’s or to forfeit the gratification, at its sole discretion.

Service Name Subscription Price Point (In Rs.) Validity (In Days) Browsing Charge Available Fall Back (In Rs.)
Idea Voice Chat 55694XXXXXX 30 30 Rs. 3/min 25,20,15,10,5,4,3,2 & Re.1
Idea Voice Chat 55696XXXXXX NA NA Rs. 4/min NA

3.2. Selection of Mega Top Performer and Top Performer(s)/Highest MOU’s
i. There will be one Mega Top Performer and weekly 4 Top Performers.

ii. The Participant(s) having the highest MOU (Minutes of usage) score will be declared as Mega Top Performer at the end of the Challenge Period (irrespective of his/her attempts/efforts to the Challenge); shall be declared/ selected to be the “Mega Top Performer”.

iii. The Participant(s) having the highest MOU (Minutes of usage) will be declared a successful participant in a particular week of Challenge Period (irrespective of his/her attempts/efforts to the Challenge); shall be declared the “Top Performers” for that particular week of Challenge.

iv. The declaration of Top Performers/ MOU’s shall be made by SDL/ Idea in descending order starting from the highest MOU (Minutes of usage).

v. All Weekly Top Performers and one Mega Top Performer will be declared at end of the Challenge Period. Each declared Top Performers will be given only one Gratification.

vi. In case of tie of MOU’s participant with the higher Age on Service will be considered as the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers.

4. Gratifications:
In all, one (1) Mega Top Performer and other thirty two (32)Top Performers shall be declared by Spice Digital Ltd, based on the highest MOU (Minutes of usage) after the end of Challenge Period.

The allocation of Gratifications to the Top Performers/ Top MOU’s is as under-
i. One Mega Top Performer will get one Mobile upto Rs. 4000/-.
ii. 32 Weekly (4 Top performers every week) Top Performers will get Rs. 250/- Recharge weekly or in case of postpaid subscriber, Rs.250/- will be paid in the mobile bill of the said weekly Top Performers.

It is understood and agreed by the participants that mere participation to this Challenge during the Challenge Period i.e. from (17th Sep’15 00:00:00 till 15th Nov’15 23:59:59), does not entitle the participant/ subscriber/s to claim the Gratification. He /she should be declared Mega Top Performer and Top Performers by Spice Digital Ltd in conformity with the terms of clause 3.2, to claim the Gratification(s) mentioned in clause 4 of this T&C. The gratification offered in this Challenge is subject to availability.

5. Challenge can be attempted as many times as the Participant wants to.

6. The gratification will be disbursed to the Participants who have fulfilled the eligibility criteria as stated above. Further, by participating in the Challenge, the Participants hereby further understand and agree that Spice Digital Ltd shall at its sole discretion be responsible for inter-alia the declaration of the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers and delivery of the Gratification. The decision of Spice Digital Ltd in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Subscriber.

7. Without prejudice to the foregoing, under no circumstance shall the Mega Top Performer / Top Performers /Highest MOU’s of the Challenge be entitled to redeem any category of gratification for cash, unless expressly mentioned herein. SDL, at its sole discretion, may or may not provide a cash alternative to the gratification being offered in this Challenge.

8. The Mega Top Performer and Top Performers shall be intimated through by calling which shall be done by Spice Digital Ltd. As such, it is advisable that the Subscribers should keep their mobile phones in switched on mode. In case the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers is unreachable for 48 hours continuously after the declaration, the next eligible performer shall be considered for the gratification. It is specifically mentioned that no information by post/courier/fax/telegram or any other mode shall be given by the SDL.

9. All Participants who have been declared as Mega Top Performer and Top Performers and who have become eligible for the gratification as per clause 3 and 4 of the T&C shall have to make their own arrangements for travel, accommodation to claim the Gratifications from Idea Circle Office at Lucknow. (the “venue”). Spice Digital Ltd/Idea shall not be responsible for the travel arrangements and/or any cost incurred by any of these Mega Top Performer and Top Performers for the collection of their respective Gratification(s).

10. By entering the challenge, the Subscribers confirm and waive the applicability of rules and regulations of the National Do Not Call Registry and also agree to receive promotional messages from SDL/ Idea, as they may deem fit and proper, at their sole and absolute discretion.

11. The Subscribers including the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers understand and agree that acceptance of the Gratifications by the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers, constitutes grant of permission to IDEA as well as Spice Digital Ltd and its affiliates, to click photographs of the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers and use the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers’ names, photocopy, preferences (likes and dislikes), voice and comments for advertising and promotional purposes in any media worldwide, only for purposes of advertising and trade without any additional compensation whatsoever. The Subscribers including the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers, hereby understands and gives his/ her irrevocable consent for sharing /submission of his/her personal information with Spice Digital Ltd.

13. Spice Digital Ltd/ Idea does not guarantee the quality of the goods/ services being offered as Gratifications nor is liable/ responsible for any defect or deficiency of goods or services so obtained/availed, by the Participant(s) under this Challenge.

14. The Participants including the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers understand and agree that the Gratification(s) under the Challenge is neither assignable nor transferable under any circumstances. All the Gratifications shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as may be applicable to specific Gratifications and shall have to be duly complied with by the Mega Top Performer and Top Performer(s).

15. All Gratifications must be claimed by the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers, along with the documents specified herein below at the venue. *The documents required to be submitted along with the claim by the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers shall include the following-

a. Identity Proof
b. Address Proof
c. PAN Card
d. Letter of compliance with rules and regulations and declarations in the format as may be required by the Organizers or applicable laws.
*(the document list is only inclusive and not exhaustive and can change as per the requirements of Law).

The Gratification(s) to the Mega Top Performer and Top Performers shall be given subject to compliance with all applicable statutory legislations/ processes /formalities in connection with the Gratification(s) and on production of all such documents/papers mentioned herein above and as required by Idea/ Spice Digital Ltd before accepting the delivery of the Gratification. Any failure on the part of the Mega Top Performer and Top Performer to comply with directions issued by Idea/ Spice Digital Ltd for claim of Gratification shall entitle Idea/ Spice Digital Ltd to forfeit the Gratification.

16. The Organizer makes no representation of having a business relationship or tie up with any such companies, individuals or any other organization whose product is offered as gratification in the Challenge. All trade names shall continue to remain owned by their respective owners.

17. The Participants understand and agree that in case the Gratification is not available, any gratification of equivalent value will be given by Spice Digital Limited. All incidental costs/taxes/levies related to the Gratification(s) shall be exclusively borne by the subscriber including but not limited to TDS, Gift tax (if any), Road Tax, Insurance and any other taxes applicable by the government Central, State or Municipal, as applicable.

18. Apart from the entitlement to the above gratification, the Mega Top Performer / Top Performers / Highest MOU’s or their legal heirs, successors and representative will have no other rights or claims against the Organizers, unless expressly mentioned herein.

19. Subscribers may contact SDL at bharat.chauhan@spicedigital.in regarding any queries/complaints pertaining to the Challenge between 9.30 AM to 6.30 PM, on working days from Monday to Friday. All disputes must be addressed by the Subscribers in writing to SDL, and Idea shall neither be responsible nor shall entertain any communication in this regard.

20. The Subscriber hereby agrees and undertakes not to hold Idea/Spice Digital Ltd or any of their group entities or affiliates, their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, responsible for or liable for, any actions, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses that the Subscriber may/might have suffered, sustained or incurred, or claims to suffer, sustain or incur, by way of and /or on account of the present Challenge.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:02 PM

Categories: Idea Cellular

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