Bosch Home Wash & Tea Campaign 2017

Organization : BSH Household Appliances Mfg. Pvt. Ltd
Competition Name : Bosch Home Wash & Tea Campaign 2017
Applicable For : Resident and citizen of India
Competition Last Date : 27th January 2017

Website :

Wash & Tea Campaign:

Bring your laundry to our appointed brand stores for a personalised experience and learn how Bosch washing machines make your chores easier.

Related : Godrej Appliances Festive Consumer Offer :

Receive a FREE laundry kit and get a chance to win a Bosch washing machine! By appointment only.

To book, call the following participating stores:
Bangalore: 080 – 41507790 / 8880374892
Chennai: 044 – 43099909 / 8428088999
Ahmedabad: 9979880979

Terms and conditions
** Any person above 18 years of age and a resident and citizen of India can participate in the contest during the period from 28th July 2016 – 27th January 2017.

To participate, participants have to:
** Register for the Wash & Tea activity
** Attend the entire Wash & Tea activity on the registered day

** Two (2) winners will be selected from each of the designated brand store located in Ahmedabad, Chennai & Bangalore.
** The above-mentioned winners will be entitled for Bosch WAK20165IN 6.5Kg Washing machine.
** The winner of the contest will be randomly chosen by an independent third party through a randomizer. The winner chosen shall be final and binding on BSH Household Appliances Manufacturing Private Limited (hereinafter referred as “BSHM-IN” or “the Company”) and the participants of the contest.
** The winning player will be contacted by the third party agency and will be informed of him/her being the winner on his/her e-mail/ph number provided during the activity.
** There upon he/she will be called upon to submit copy of his/her PAN card, identity proof, address proof. He/she will also have to produce the original of the same to the third party agency to claim the gift.
** The prize shall be non-transferable, non-negotiable and there shall be no payment in cash in lieu of the machine won.
** BSHM-IN reserves the right to withdraw or modify the contest and/or the prize at any time without giving any reasons and without any prior notice to anyone.
** By participating in the contest, the player gives his/her consent to BSHM-IN to use the details provided by the player including the names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail identities and photographs for promotional purposes.
** The winner shall claim the prize within 15 days, after he has been informed, by sharing the required details and by complying with the requirements under clause 13 hereunder.
** In case the prize is unclaimed by the winner within the stipulated period, then it shall be deemed that the winner has automatically surrendered his/ her right to the prize and shall not make any claim thereafter.

BSHM-IN shall not be responsible for:
i) any lost, late or misdirected computer transmission or network, electronic failures of any kind or any failure to send/receive entries owing to transmission failures or due to any technical reasons,
ii) for any cheating, fraud or misrepresentation caused to the participant by any third person,
iii) Any other conditions beyond its reasonable control.

** BSHM-IN or the independent third party agency appointed by it reserves the right to disqualify any participant if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the player has breached any of these terms and conditions.

This post was last modified on May 11, 2022 1:07 PM

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