SOF 10th IMO/ 19th NSO/ 16th NCO 2nd Level Olympiads 2016-17 :

Organization : Science Olympiad Foundation
Announcement : 10th IMO/ 19th NSO/ 16th NCO 2nd Level Olympiads 2016-17
Olympiads Dates : 12th February 2017

Website :

2nd Level Olympiads Guidelines :

The second level Olympiads will be conducted on Sunday, 12th February 2017 at over 500 centre in 25 countries. These will be held as per following schedule:

Related / Similar Contest :
SOF 2nd Level Olympiads 2016-17 Admit Card

** 10th International Mathematics Olympiad- 9.00 am to 10.00 am
** 19th National Science Olympiad- 11.30 am to 12.30 pm
** 16th National Cyber Olympiad- 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm

a) Students must report at the allocated exam center at least 30 minutes before commencement of exam.
b) Students will be allowed in the exam hall 15 minutes before commencement of exam to enable them settle down and fill in their particulars in the OMR sheet.
c) Students will not be allowed entry in the exam hall 10 minutes after commencement of exam. No extra time will be provided to such candidates to complete the exam.
d) Students may leave the exam hall only after completion of exam time. Students will not be allowed to leave the exam hall while the exam is in progress, without the permission of the invigilator.
e) Students will be given 60 minutes to complete the exam.

Admit Card:
The admit cards, in duplicate, are made available to students as under:
a) These will be couriered to school by end January.
b) These will be uploaded on our site by the 1st week of Feb’17
c) These will be e-mailed to school by end January.
d) The admit cards carry details of venue and time of exam.
e) Students may collect their admit cards (in duplicate) by either of the above modes, paste their color passport size photographs on both copies and get them attested (signed and stamped) by school authorities.
f) Students must carry both copies of admit cards to the test center, where one copy will be retained by the center. Separate set of admit cards must be carried for each 2nd level Olympiad for which the students have qualified.
g) Students may not be allowed to appear in the Olympiad in the absence of attested admit cards with photograph.
h) In case of non-receipt of 2 level admit cards, students may use the admit cards issued for 1st level exams. They may take 2 black and white photocopies of the 1st level admit card, affix their passport size color photographs on both copies of the admit cards, get these attested (signed and stamped) by school principal and carry both copies to the exam center. Students may write to SOF at OR for address of exam center.

Parents/Guardians will not be allowed entry in the exam centers

a) 2nd level Olympiads will be held for all students (from classes three to twelve) who qualify for the 2nd level.
b) The exams will be pen and paper exams with multiple choice questions. There will be no negative marking.
c) Student qualifying for the 2nd level do not need to re-register for the 2nd level. The admit cards will be sent / shared as per admit card details shared above.
d) Students may use the question paper for doing rough work.
e) No student is permitted to carry any textual material – printed or written, bits of paper, calculator, mobile phone, any electronics device etc. in the exam hall. There will be no provision at the exam center for safe keeping of these material and students may make their own arrangements for safe keeping of their personal belongings.
f) Admit cards and pen / pencil only will be permitted in the exam hall.
g) Any candidate found using unfair means may be expelled from the examination centre. In case use of unfair means is found after the exam is over, the result of the student(s) may not be declared and they will not be eligible for any award or certificate

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 5:11 PM

Categories: Olympiad

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