Design an Advertisement for Gandhi Jayanti Contest 2015 : DAVP Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity

Organization : Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) & Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Competition Name : Design an Advertisement for Gandhi Jayanti Contest 2015
Competition Last Date : 27th September, 2015

Website :

Design an Advertisement for Gandhi Jayanti Contest 2015:

Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is organizing a contest for crowd sourcing print advertisement designs for 2nd October 2015.

The advertisement should be of the size 25 cms height by 33 cms width.

The design should be uploaded in PDF format.
You may upload advertisement on any of the themes or all of them:
1. Mahatma and cleanliness- Swacch Bharat Mission
2. Mahatma and Nature
3. Gandhi and Rural Rejuvenation

There should be no issues of Copy Right in your design.

The best entry would win Rs. 10,000 and a certificate from DAVP.

Technical Parameters:

1. The advertisement should be either in English or Hindi.
2. Each individual can submit only one design for each National Day or event.
3. The advertisement should be designed in a digital platform.
4. For the purpose of the initial screening and short listing the entries would be received in a pdf format onto DAVP website
5. Those 10 individuals whose entries are finally shortlisted shall have to provide the designs in a High Resolution format (of over 300 dpi) and in an editable open file.
6. The advt. should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act.
7. Due permissions should have been obtained from those concerned along with their no objection certificates, in case of use of any picture or a model or a celebrity in the design or layout.
8. In case of use of quotation its source should be properly verified and authenticated.
9. The entire advt. should be able to stand the scrutiny of court of Law, in case of any dispute.
10. The advertisement should be self certified by each entrant that it is original and there is no plagiarized element in it.
11. The copyright and other intellectual property rights of the shortlisted advertisements would solely remain with DAVP.
12. The applicant should give his Name, Address, Telephone Number, Mobile Number and Bank Account details in the prescribed format.

Last Date:
The last date of submission is 27th September, 2015.

This post was last modified on August 1, 2023 5:19 PM

Categories: Z-Crawled-Posts

View Comments (2)

  • I am Anvika Varigonda, Class III from Delhi Public School, Bhubaneswar, odisha. I just wanted to know the result of the competition given on October 2nd Topic was about lines about Mahatma Gandhiji. Thank you, Anvika © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map