INTSO Talent Search Olympiad 2019-20 Results & Second Level Syllabus : MTSO/STSO/ETSO/GTSO/ATSO

Organization : INTSO Education
Competition Name : INTSO Talent Search Olympiad 2019-20
Announcement : INTSO MTSO/STSO/ETSO/GTSO/ATSO Results & Second Level Syllabus
2nd (Final) Level Exam Date : 2nd February 2020 (Sunday)
Website :

INTSO Talent Search Olympiad

Intso is nationally administered program of assessments in English, Mathematics and Science which benchmarks student performance against a broad, inter- state cohort of students and to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.

The INTSO provides a comprehensive assessment of student performance and ability in English, Mathematics , Science and General Knowledge and provides school, regional and national comparisons. It is available for students in class 3 to 10 in English ,Mathematics, Science and General knowledge.

INTSO Results

Go to & Enter the Hall Ticket Number & Submit the Search button to view the result.

INTSO Second Level Syllabus

Class – III:
Maths (MTSO):
1. Fundamentals On Numbers
2. Fundamentals On Symmetry
3. Fundamental Operations On Numbers
4. Figures And Shapes
5.Standardunits And Measurement
6. Understandingmoney

1. Bascis In Measurements (Length, Mass, Time)
2. Force, Work

1. Matter And Its Three States
2. Air And Water
3. Making Pots

1. Parts Of A Plant
2. Human Body
3. Shelter Of Nimals
4. The Food We Eat

Social Science:
1. Basic Concepts Of Our Universe
2. Basic Concepts Of Indian Geography
3. India’s Neighbouring Countries

GK & Current Affairs:
1.Indian States – Capitals
2.World – Countries -Capitals
3.Superlatives of the World and India
4.Picture Identification of Important Historical Structures of India and World

1. Nouns
4. Verbs & Auxiliary Verbs
5. Prepositions
6. Articles
7. Spellings
8. Gender Forms
9. Singular – Plural

Download Syllabus Here :

** The Indian National Talent Search Olampiad is nationally administered program of assessments in English, Mathematics and Science which benchmarks student performance against a broad, inter- state cohort of students and to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.

** The INTSO provides a comprehensive assessment of student performance and ability in English, Mathematics , Science and General Knowledge and provides school, regional and national comparisons.

** It is available for students in class 3 to 10 in English ,Mathematics, Science and General knowledge. The INTSO aims for a high quality, delevarance which provides schools with:

** A comprehensive assessment of student performance and ability in science, mathematics and English and General Knowledge individual student reports that highlight skills, strengths and weaknesses

** Group reports that allow schools to rank and compare student performance and identify areas of school- and class-wide strengths and weaknesses

** A scaled score to measure the progress of students over time school, regional and international comparison scores to compare and benchmark student and school performance recognition of student performance.

** Students receive an individual report which provides feedback on every question, a summary of strengths and weaknesses, and clear information showing how the student performed compared to other students in the school, in their country and in similar countries.

** Teachers receive comprehensive reports on the student’s performance which allows them to better target their teaching and learning activities. Students also receive a Certificate of Achievement.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:45 PM

Categories: Olympiad

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