ASUS It’s a Zenfone Contest 2017

Organization : ASUS
Competition Name : It’s a Zenfone Contest 2017
Applicable For : All Indian Nationals residing in India
Competition Last Date : 6th Feb 2017

Website :
Contest Page :
Contest T&C :

It’s a Zenfone Contest:

1. The contest is applicable to all Indian Nationals residing in India

Related : Asus Z3NVOLUTION Z3NCREDIBLE Timeline Contest :

2. The contest is active from 30 th Jan 2017 4:00PM to 6th Feb 2017 11.59 PM. Late entries will not be entertained.
3. Participants have to Follow Asus India Page and also use the given hashtag or the tagline in their answers.
4. Participants are expected to send in their entries for participation by replying on the post announcing this contest.
5. Responses received will be checked by Asus India Team and lucky winner will be announced basis lucky draw.
6. Winners will be selected on the basis of a Lucky draw.
7. One lucky winner will be gratified with a Zenfone and ten lucky winners will get gift vouchers worth Rs. 1000 each.
8. Winner will be announced on Asus India’s Facebook page and the announced winner needs to share the requested identity and contact details with Asus India in the manner stipulated in its winner announcement post within stipulated time of 5 days of announcement of the winner in order to receive the gratification.
9. Winner will be announced on 10 th of Feb 2017
10. ASUS team will verify the participant’s details upon successful verification that the participant is a genuine Facebook user and not a fake profile or a duplicate profile and the participant has taken the necessary steps for participation as announced in the FB post about this sweepstake, only then the participant’s entry will be treated valid.
11. The gratification will be dispatched to the customer’s address as provided by her/him. The responsibility of providing the correct address, identity and contact details rests with the participant.
12. Any concerns related to the offer should be communicated to Asus India within 15th Feb 2016, after which Asus India will not be liable to address any issues regarding this activity.
13. After dispatching the gifts, Any concerns related to the postal details and delivery should be communicated to Asus India within 27th Feb 2016, after which Asus India will not be liable to address any issues regarding this dispatch.
14. Each entrant is responsible for monitoring his or her email account, Facebook account and Asus India Facebook page for notifications or other communications related to this activity.

15. Employees of, ASUS and its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising representatives and agencies, who are involved in the promotion, and the immediate families of any of the foregoing persons, are NOT ELIGIBLE under this offer.

16. ASUS India reserves the right:
(a) to disqualify any entry, if it has reasonable grounds to believe the participant has breached any of these terms and conditions. No intimation shall be sent to the participants who are disqualified and/or not amongst the qualified entries.
(b) to decide whether a replacement participant should be selected in the event any buyer is disqualified from the offer.
(c) to require written permission from the parent or guardian of a participant who is under the age of 18

17. The prevailing statutory laws of India shall be applicable to the contest and all disputes relating to this offer shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Mumbai only
18. ASUS India reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the activity/sweepstake/offer, its period, gift, gift value etc., without prior notice to the participants
19. The activity shall not be extendable or transferable unless at the discretion of Asus India
20. For any query or question please call ASUS India Customer Care: 1800-2090- 365 or email on working days, except on State National Holidays
21. By participating in the contest, the participant agrees to receive promotional contest related message/communication in any form from Asus India for any time till the participant specifically registers with Asus India to not receive promotional messages.

This post was last modified on July 20, 2021 12:37 PM

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