ICAR IARI Termite Video Podcast Contest 2017

Organization : ICAR
Competition Name : Termite Video Podcast Contest 2017
Competition Last Date : 8.02.2017

Website : https://www.iari.res.in/en/index.php
Notification: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/20605-Contest.pdf

Termite Podcast Contest :

Podcasting is a straightforward and mighty way to share various innovative ideas and information. A person can convey his/her ideas to large number of spectators by means of Audio-visual medium.

Related : A2OZ Advance to Australia India Schools Video Contest : www.contest.net.in/20458.html

This can empower a person to cultivate their ideas and concepts in the form of audio-visual mode and extend the same to society for advancement of education, awareness and other social responsibilities.

Termite Video Podcast Contest:
** ICAR-National Fellow Project is pleased to announce the TERMITE PODCAST CONTEST- 2017, where students and researchers growing under various colleges and universities of our country can submit podcast/s on various aspects of termites and their management.
** Through this contest, participants will be able to present their ideas and aptitude in e-media to greater number of audience world-wide.
** Students can choose a relevant topic from the given themes and can transform their ideas supported by information into audio-visual mode (video clips) which may be submitted to the ICAR-National Fellow by e-mail.
** The selected podcasts will be uploaded in the forthcoming website entitled “TermiteXpert”, by which it may be presented to various experts and audiences world-wide. Three best podcasts will be awarded appropriately.
** Please read the below given guidelines thoroughly for preparing podcasts, failing which may lead to disqualified.

Contest opening date: 08.01.2017
Closing date of sending podcasts: 08.02.2017

Important Steps:
Shoot a scientific information rich video on various themes given below and send it across the e-mail id of ICAR-National Fellow. The e-mail id is gagan_gk@rediffmail.com .

** An individual participant can submit maximum two podcasts.
** A team can also create a podcast/s and send it for the contest.

Video Format:
Formats must be: .mpeg, .mov, .avi, .mp4, etc.

Video Duration:
** 150 seconds minimum and up to 300 seconds maximum.

An individual or a team can pick up any one of the following themes and develop a video clip on a topic of their choice on the same which may be rich in scientific information.
1) General biology and habit-habitats of termites
2) Termite taxonomy and classification
3) Termite swarming
4) Termites of agricultural importance and their impact
5) Termites as structural pest
6) Chemical managements of termites
7) Various physical ways to termite management
8) ITK on termite management
9) Beneficial role of termites as soil engineer
10) Termites as food and medicinal
The video clip may also describe any scientists, life histories or achievements etc. Relevant scientific aids or models can be used to explain the concept.

Video Shooting Stricture:
** The video can be shot using a webcam, phone video recorder, video camcorders, digital cameras and DSLR.
** Audio should be clear and audible.
** Professional studio assistance is also allowed.
** Audio of the podcasts can be English or Hindi language.

Video Editing:
** Common and easily available softwares can be used for editing.
** Editing is optional but encouraged.

Awards & Results:
Three best podcasts will be conferred with appropriate award and after initial screening, suitable podcasts will be uploaded to the forthcoming website “TermiteXpert” for the greater audience world-wide.

It will be understood that, at the time of submission of podcast/s for this contest, the entire copyrights of the podcast/s has also been submitted to the ICAR-National Fellow Project, division of Entomology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. Nevertheless, due credit and acknowledgement will be given to the individual/ team who has prepared the podcast/s while uploading it in the website.

This post was last modified on August 3, 2023 4:18 PM

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