CCIS Inter Ministry Music/Dance/Short Play Competition 2016-17

Organization : Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board
Competition Name : Inter Ministry Music/Dance/Short Play Competition 2016-17
Applicable For : All Ministries of the Central Government
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Entries Last Date : 06th February, 2017 (Date Extended)

Website :
Competition Rules :
Postponement Notification :

Inter Ministry Competition :

1. The Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board is organizing the Inter-Ministry Music, Dance and Short Play competition 2016-17 from 13th to 17th February, 2017 at C.S.O.I Auditorium, Vinay Marg, New Delhi.

Related : CCIS Inter Ministry Music Competition 2015-16 :

The entry for the competition should be sent in the prescribed form duly signed by the Welfare Officer of the Ministry concerned to the Board’s Office latest by 06th February, 2017 positively.

2. The entry fee will be Rs. 75/- per head per event in solo music or dance along with separate entry form for each category mentioning the name of the participants and in case of group event name of the participants and Rs. 75/- per head. Rs. 300/- for Short Play/Group. No entry will be accepted without entry fee and after the due date.

3. Participants of inter-Ministry Music & Dance competition being government employees are subjected to the provisions of conduct Rules. Any violation of these provisions would invite disciplinary proceeding.
4. Decisions of the judges shall be final & no apple against their decision would be entertained. Any act of indiscipline will be taken seriously by the Board.
5. The rules and regulations of the competition are enclosed
6. The selection of the artists for All India Civil Services Music and Dance and Short Play competition will be made on the basis of their performance in this Competition.

1. Three Prizes will be awarded subject to sufficient entries received.
2. No prizes will be given in a particular group, if the entries in that group are less than three. Where there are only three entries for any one group, there will be only one prize.
3. The prizes for any of the above categories may be withheld if the competition does not come up to the requisite standard in a particular category.

The competition shall be open to all Ministries of the Central Government. The participating units may include in their troops civilian personnel working in the attached and subordinate offices of the Government of India located at Delhi.

Entry Fee:
Each entry should be sent to the Board’s office, duly forwarded by the Welfare Officer of the Ministry concerned, on or before the date mentioned in the circular. The entry should be sent on the prescribed proforma (Annexure ‘A’) along with the entry fee which is non refundable.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:12 PM

Categories: Government

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