ALC Auro University Third National Moot Court Competition 2017

Organization : School of Law AURO University, Surat
Competition Name : Third National Moot Court Competition 2017
Applicable For : UG/PG Law Students
Competition Dates : 3rd-4th-5th March, 2017

Website :
Rules :

Moot Court Competition :

ALC proudly presents the 3rd edition of AURO Moot Court Competition to be held from 3rd-5th March 2017. The theme of the competition is “Surrogacy”.

Related : RMLNLU IIIrd National Mediation Competition 2017 :

** Winning Team – Rs. 25,000/-
** Runners-Up Team – Rs. 12,000/-
** Best Speaker – Rs. 5,000/-
** Runner-up Speaker – Rs. 3,000/-
** Best Memorial Team – Rs. 5,000/-

In addition to the above prizes, meritorious certificates and trophies shall be given to the winners. All participants will be given participation certificates.

Important Dates:
** Release of Moot Proposition and Rules 14th December,2016
** Last date for sending the scanned copy of the Registration Form and the Demand Draft 25 th January, 2017
** Last date for sending the hard copy of the Registration Form and the Demand Draft 1st February, 2017
** Last date for sending soft copy of memorial 15th February, 2017
** Last date for sending hard copy of memorial 20th February, 2017
** Main Event 3rd-4th-5th March, 2017

Teams must register themselves latest by 25th January,2017 (23:59 hours IST) by sending an email to with the subject “Registration for 3rd Auro National Moot Court Competition” along with scanned copy of the Registration Form.

You can also deposit the fees by RTGS / NEFT in State Bank of India or in HDFC Bank. Details for RTGS / NEFT are as follows:
State Bank of India
Bhatha Branch,Surat – 394 510.
Account No.31703674530
IFS Code : SBIN0002636
Kribhco Town, Surat – 394 270
Account No.50100098732157
IFS Code : HDFC0000904
Note: Incase of NEFT/RTGS please write your reference number instead of demand draft number in registration form.

For successful registrations, the teams must send hard copy of the registration form latest by 1st February,2017 at the address given below
AURO Litigiosus Committee (ALC),
AURO Law School, AURO University earthspace, Hazira Road, Opp ONGC Surat – 394510, Gujarat, India

Registration fee paid are non-refundable.

All students enrolled bona fide in an undergraduate i.e. 3 years/5years and post graduate law programme conducted by any college or university shall be eligible for participation in competition.
Registration from each university/college/institution is restricted to one team.

** Each team participating in the competition must prepare one memorial on behalf of petitioner and one on behalf of the respondent.

** Each team must send a soft copy (in MS Word .doc/.docx & pdf format) of their memorials for evaluation by 17th February,2017(23:59 hours IST) with the subject “Submission_ANMCC For “Team Code” to Memorials submitted beyond the Last Date shall not be evaluated. No extensions will be granted with respect to this Last Date.

** Three (3) hard copies of memorials from each side, must reach the university on or before 20th February, 2017 at the following given address.
AURO Litigiosus Committee (ALC),
AURO Law School, AURO University earthspace, Hazira Road, Opp ONGC Surat – 394510, Gujarat, India

** Any change in the composition of the team will not be entertained once the memorials have been submitted.
** The file names of the electronic copies of the memorials must contain only the team code and the side being represented in the following format: e.g. (for Team Code 2017001) 2017001P or 2017001R, ‘P’ being for ‘Petitioner’ memorial and ‘R’ for ‘Respondent’ memorial and so forth.
** The memorial for each side should be submitted as one single file and not in multiple files. Any violation of this rule shall invite penalty in accordance with Chapter 7
** Five (5) hard copies for each side of the memorial must be submitted to the organizers at the time of registration on 3rd March 2017.
** The hard copies must be identical to the soft copy. Violation of this rule would entail disqualification from the competition.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 3:27 PM

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