Selfie With Valentine Contest 2017

Organisation :
Competition Name : Selfie With Valentine Contest
Contest Last Date : 15-02-2017

Terms & Conditions :
Website :

Selfie With Valentine Contest :

To make your Valentine’s Day special, participate in presents SELFIE WITH VALENTINE contest, powered by Skagen and Amante as associate sponsor.

Related : Fashion101 Student Style Icon Contest 2016 :

All you need to do is upload two couple selfies of you and your Valentine and you have a chance to win exciting gifts for you and your partner. will pick top 20 entries from all the entries received and put them up on the site on February 17 for transparent online voting. Shortlisted entries will have a chance to get online votes till February 25, 11:59 PM.

Top 6 contestants with most votes will be declared winners. Results will be announced online on February 27 on

Top 3 winners will receive a gift hamper from Skagen (a wrist watch and a pendant). Winners on the 4th, 5th and 6th place will get a gift voucher from Amante.

Rules & Regulations :
** To participate in the contest you are required to provide your name, your Valentine’s name, your e-mail ID and telephone number.
** You can participate by uploading two couple selfies of you and your Valentine. Entries will close on February 15th 2017 at 11:59 PM.
** will pick top 20 entries from all the entries received and put them up on the site on February 17th 2017 for transparent online voting.
** Entries can be seen only on Voting starts from February 17th till February 25th 2017.
** Shortlisted entries will have a chance to get online votes till February 25th 11:59 PM.
** Top 6 contestants with most votes will be declared winners. Results will be announced online on February 27th.
** Winners will be notified via phone call and email.
** Top three (3) winners will receive a gift hamper from Skagen (a wrist watch and a pendant). Winners on the 4th, 5th and 6th position will receive a gift voucher from Amante.

** This service is provided on “as is” basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, implicit and explicit, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement.

The entire risk as to the performance of or arising out of the use of this service will have to be borne by you.

You understand and acknowledge that DB Corp. Ltd. does not represent or endorse the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the prizes won through this contest and DB Corp. Ltd. shall bear no responsibility as to the prizes received by winners of the contest.

** You hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless DB Corp. Ltd., its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, suppliers, consultants and agents from all claim(s), liability, losses and damages/costs (including but not limited to attorney’s fees) arising from your use of this service and/or violation of the terms of use contained herein by you and/or in relation to the information provided by you.

** These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law. Any dispute arising out of the use of this service and/or in connection with these terms of use, shall be adjudicated through Arbitration by a sole Arbitrator appointed by C.E.O.

of DB Corp. Ltd. (Digital Division). Such arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and place of arbitration shall be Noida.

Note: Please ensure that the image uploaded is of you and your Valentine. If you make it to the top 6, you will be required to share your identity proof (Driving license, Voter ID/ PAN card/Aadhaar card).

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