Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2017 Registration : tatacrucible.com

Organisation : Tata
Competition Name : Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2017 Registration

Registration Form here : http://www.tata.com/forms/tata_crucible_campus/quiz_application_form.aspx
Website : http://www.tatacrucible.com/

Tata Crucible Campus Quiz :

The Tata group presents Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2017 – open for all accredited B-schools, engineering colleges and other collegiate students.

Related : Flipkart Human Stories Quiz Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/20687.html

Entry and eligibility :
** Tata Crucible is a team event. Any two students of the same college / institution can form a team and participate.
** There is NO ENTRY FEE.
** Any number of teams from a college / institution can participate in the quiz.
** Competition is open to students from all disciplines.
** The event is not open to junior college / foundation students lower than the undergraduate category.
** Team composition cannot change once the prelim has been taken.
** Teams can participate only from the city where the college / institution they represent is located.

** If a team is from a city where the event is not being held then the closest city would be the location of participation. Teams will be allowed to participate only in the respective locations indentified for the purposes of zonal finals.

This means that once a team wins from a particular city, they will automatically be eligible for participation in that zone only.

** All teams participating from the same college / Institution belonging to a city where the event is not being held, will be allowed to participate from one location only (nearest geographic location). Any change in locations is at the discretion of the organizers only.

** It is recommended that you register online at tatacrucible.com.

** All participants are required to carry valid photo ID of the institution along to the venue and produce the same on demand. Normal photo ids like PAN card, Voter Id, etc are not valid ids for the purposes of this quiz.

** The organizers retain the right to make any changes to the event, its format, date, rules and in any matter related to this event, at any time before or during the event.
** Organizers reserve the right to accept or reject any application to registration and / or entry to the event proceedings.

** By entering the event venue and / or participating in the Quiz, the attendees permit themselves to be photographed / videographed / recorded by electronic and print mediums for telecast / publication and other display usage of the organizers.

** Once you register for the event you indicate your acceptance that the decision of the organizers and quizmaster will be final and binding on all issues related to Tata Crucible and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.

** By registering for the event, you also indicate your acceptance that the organisers can send you communication from time to time regarding Tata Crucible or any other initiatives by the organisers.

** Prizes once awarded will be final and there would be no exchange/substitution of the prizes to the winners.

** Neither the organizers nor the sponsors, or employees of the organizers and sponsors may be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of the prize by the winner once delivered by the organizers.

** If the specified prize becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, the organizers may substitute the prize at their discretion.
** All tax liabilities wherever applicable, will be the responsibility of the recipients of the prizes.
** Management, employees and families of the organizers are prohibited from taking part in the contest.
** The organizer reserves the right to alter/ amend/ modify any rules of any contest at anytime without any notice whatsoever.

** If any contestant has any questions or suggestions about the event, they are welcome to contact feedback[at]tatacrucible.com. The participant is requested to mention the contest number under reference.

** The organizer reserves the right to withdraw or terminate this contest at any time without prior notice.

This post was last modified on July 12, 2021 3:18 PM

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