Flipkart Carnival Quiz Contest 2017

Organisation : Flipkart Stories
Competition Name : #FlipkartCarnivalQuiz Flipkart Carnival Quiz Contest
Contest Last Date : 06-03-2017

Website : https://stories.flipkart.com/

Flipkart Carnival Quiz Contest :

This quiz requires you to read the Accessories Carnival article on Flipkart Stories and answer the questions.

Related : Flipkart Human Stories Quiz Contest 2017 : www.contest.net.in/20687.html

To be considered for a prize, the winning entries must fulfill the following conditions:
(A) Get all answers right
(B) Like the Flipkart Stories Facebook page
(C) Tag 5 of your friends on Twitter and tweet the link to the contest after you are done playing.
(D) Enter your name and email address in the form

Ten contestants who complete these steps stand a chance to win Flipkart electronic gift vouchers (EGVs) worth Rs.1000 each. The contest will close on Friday, March 06, 2017 at 1600 hours IST (4 pm).

Contest rules
** Read the ‘Flipkart Accessories Carnival’ article on Flipkart Stories.
** Answer all the 10 questions of the quiz in the article by submitting answers in the given link.

** Share the Flipkart Stories post on this quiz on your Facebook and Twitter timelines. Make sure ‘@FlipkartStories’ is mentioned in the post, that the shared post carries the hashtag ‘#FlipkartCarnivalQuiz’ and that 5 of your Twitter followers are tagged in the post.

** Based on the entries, 10 lucky winners will be selected by Flipkart.
** Each of the chosen winners will receive Flipkart Electronic Gift Vouchers (EGVs) worth INR 1000.
** EGVs shall be sent to the winner’s registered email address within 30 days of announcing winners.

** EGVs cannot be redeemed against cash or credit and can only be used to purchase products listed on Flipkart. If the recipient fails to submit the necessary details during participation in the quiz, the entry will be considered invalid.

** Revisit the contest page on Friday, March 06, 2017 at 1600 hours IST (4 pm) to know the winners.
** There is no entrance fee or requirement to purchase anything from the Flipkart site for being eligible the contest.
** This contest is valid only in India.
** Contest is applicable to all the residents of India with the exception of state of Tamil Nadu
** The minimum age of such participant shall be 18 years

** You confirm and acknowledge that you are aware that by participating in this contest, you have given us rights to use your suggestion, name, photograph and other personal details for the purpose of this contest.

** We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms & Conditions, including without limitation: changing the amount of EGVs, modifying how you may earn and spend the EGVs earned, modifying the duration and expiration of EGVs, minimum purchase amounts for use of EGVs, maximum amount of EGVs that you may earn, and discontinuing the contest entirely, at any time without any prior written notice to you.

** You are not bound in any way to participate in the contest and any such participation is voluntary.

** Flipkart reserves the right of selection of the winner and such selection shall be as per the procedure adopted at Flipkart’s sole discretion. Flipkart’s decision in this regard shall be final.

** Flipkart reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any participant that tampers or attempts to tamper with these Terms & Conditions.
** Flipkart shall not be responsible for any loss, injury or any other liability arising due to participation by any person in the contest.

** You hereby agree to indemnify and keep Flipkart harmless against all damages, liabilities, costs, xpenses, claims, suits and proceedings (including reasonable attorney’s fee) that may be suffered by Flipkart as a consequence of

(i) violation of terms of this Policy by You;
(ii) violation of applicable laws;
(iii) any action or inaction resulting in willful misconduct or negligence on Your part.

This post was last modified on February 25, 2022 12:04 PM

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