Young India Challenge 2015 YIC

Organisation : Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University
Announcement : Young India Challenge (YIC) 2015

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Young India Challenge 2015 :
Young India Challenge 2015 was hosted by the entrepreneurship development cell of Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. The top 100 participants were selected from across the country after screening through more than 1000 applications.

There were 10 inspiring speaker sessions across the 3 days, coupled with some innovative workshops like “Get Paid to Play”. On the final day, ten teams took up the challenge of presenting their solutions to bring transformation in the education system in India. The event concluded with an exciting #DoWhatYouLove panel discussion and awards night.

As per the National Employability Report 2013 for India, 47% graduates are not employable in any sector of the knowledge economy. It is said that if you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest or some guy on television telling you how to do your stuff, then you deserve it.

What could possibly the reason for the youngest country in the world to not fully utilize its greatest resource – the human potential of its people? Young India Challenge is an opportunity to challenge yourself and others in the quest of finding some answers and discovering your true passion.

After speaking to thousands of young people from diverse groups and backgrounds, we believe that we have reached a point in our development where the new generation is demanding a dynamic education, corporate and social system that allows them to do what they love. There is a need to create a transformational culture that allows people to reach their fullest potential.

We, as catalysts, want to support you in your quest for self-awareness and excellence. We think the best way to begin this revolution is through experiential events and technology. We are connecting people who are innovative and passionate about impacting people and creating a more sustainable future. We call this ‘education hacking’ by designing new ways to learn, connect, experience and grow. It is not just a fancy term but reflects our life purpose and belief system.

Our experiential events like Young India Challenge, focus on developing your self-awareness, leadership qualities and entrepreneurial outlook to become impact individuals.

1. Discover Your Passion: Most of us are unaware of our interests. Find what you don’t enjoy doing, or better, discover your passion in these three days!

2. #DoWhatYouLove: Don’t waste your life doing things which you don’t enjoy. Learn to follow your passion fearlessly and make it payable!

3. Find New Friends: You’ll find best young minds from all over India with different talents and backgrounds. Get a chance to connect with them and explore more.

4. Meet Awesome Speakers: Speakers from leading organisations like Microsoft, Facebook, KPMG, Business World, etc. will guide you to pursue your passion with their own stories and challenges.

5. The Challenge: Young India Challenge comes up with a real life problem which has to be solved in teams. Witness some of the real life critical situations while competing.

6. Get Motivated: The speaker sessions and challenge will not only guide you to pursue your dream but will also encourage you to abide by your heart.

7. Make Effective Networks: With so many brilliant young minds and speakers all around, one can grab this opportunity to connect with them and bring best out of these networks.

8. Get Internship: Yes, many speakers look forward to delegates for joining their organisations. This will provide you with all new learning experience and of course, a good job profile.

9. Experience Awesomeness: Young India Challenge is just not another academic conference. You’ll enjoy meeting new people, doing fun activities and exploring. The experience is mind blowing and life changing.

10. Because it is Young India Challenge: If any of the above reasons don’t amuse you, then join us for being the part of the unique movement of #DoWhatYouLove. It is first time in history of the world that some organisation solely works to make people realise their passion and encourage them to pursue it. Be a part of this movement and make a difference!

Young India Challenge 2015 – Application Form :
Young India Challenge (YIC) is a two day experiential national event for the top creative young minds to engage in innovative programs that will broaden their mindset and move them closer to what they love doing. Participants are selected from across the country.

It is an opportunity for the selected youth to learn, grow and connect with the top industry leaders, best-selling authors, incredible speakers and game-changing entrepreneurs to gain leverage to grow their network and career. Selected participants meet incredible people and understand how to turn your passion into a successful career and get paid. You will present in front of the jury and winners will be rewarded with exciting prizes, certificates and other rewards.

Winners will also be selected for the MEGA Young India Challenge in March 2016.

Application Last Date – Round 1 – 25th September 2015

When? October – November 2015
Where? New Delhi

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