Panjab University ANANT 2017 Techno-Cultural Festival :

Organization : Panjab University
Competition Name : ANANT 2017 Techno-Cultural Festival
Event Dates : March 3rd, 4th & 5th

Website :


Panjab University is a name that speaks for itself.With students coming from all over the country,the institution is an Indian kaleidoscope portraying the different colors of the subcontinent.We are driven to bring knowledge to bear on the world’s greatest challenges.The current research and education has fuelled many scientific breakthroughs and technological advances.

Related : Panjab University ANANT 16 Techno Cultural Fest :

Cultural Events:
1. Ramp Age 90’s:
“Men will come marching with their herculean build, women dressed in elegance & gilt. Come along take a stylish walk down the memory lane, O’ fella cause it’s ‘RAMP AGE 90’s’.” I walk with attitude because the world is beneath my toes, I see the cameras’ flash, capturing my oomph and my pose, I have arrived…I am the Star of the Show!!!

A Brilliant mixture of flamboyance, Style and attitude that will redefine FASHION as you know it. We Promise to set your hearts racing as glamorous models set the ramp on fire with their attitude and creativity audacity, “ANANT-90’s NICHE” presents the Ultimate Fashion Extravaganza- where excitement levels reach dizzying heights as you become witness to the sensuous display of thought in form!!

Entry Fee: Rs. 50 Per Person

1st Worth INR 25,000
2nd Worth INR 10,000

Day : 1
Time : 19:30 – 20:30
Venue : Main Stage

** There will be 14 to 18 participants in each team
** The time limit is 10 to 15 minutes
** Fashion show will be theme based i.e. “90’s NICHE!!”
** If the time limit gets exceeded then that team will be disqualified
** Any form of obscenity/vulgarity will result in disqualification from event
** Pre-recorded music should be brought in CDs (2 copies 2 hour before starting the event)
** The decision given by the judges will be final and un-questionable
** Participants must carry their ID cards with them else their participation will be cancelled

Marking & Judging Criteria:
** Theme based-10 marks
** Ramp walk-10 marks
** Creativity-5marks
** Grace, energy, expression & confidence-10 marks
** Song selection-5marks
** Costumes and overall impact-10 marks

Manpreet Kaur 9878894544
Parul Kalsy 8146694101
Chinar Yadav 7347268768
Veenu Sood 8054423201

2. Footloose:
Dance is the performance art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement. The trust expression of a person is its dance and music. Bodies never lie. Dancing gives you those movements when you let yourself loose and let the passion from your soul away your body with the rhythm “ANANT 2K17” brings together the best dances under one roof. So get your body out of the way and let your spirit soar and understand the hidden language of soul with us.

1st Worth INR 25,000
2nd Worth INR 10,000

Day : 3
Time : 19:30-20:30
Venue : Main Stage

** Participants must carry their ID cards with them else their participation will be cancelled
** Time limit 8-10 minutes for each performance.Negative marking for exceeding the time limit
** On stage limit should be between 5-25
** Each team can have 5-30 members including coordinators
** The participants are requested to bring 2 CD’s to avoid the technical disturbances
** No props will be provided by the coordinators.Participants can carry their own props. Use of fire, water or any other type of inappropriate props is not allowed
** Dance performance should not convey any indecent gestures

Marking & Judging Criteria:
** Choreography- 10 marks
** Synchronization and coordination- 10 marks
** Creativity of steps- 10 marks
** Grace, energy and expression- 10 marks
** Stage utilization and overall impact- 10 marks

Kavita 7837179019
Sarbjit 9592264555
Abhinav 9988769737

3. Vocaloid:
“The Competition is Fierce,
The Stakes are high…
How Will You Fare???
With Only MUSIC to help You FLY!!!”

A Symphonic Experience Waiting To Mesmerize You!! Soak In The RAAG’S And TAALS Until You Lose Yourself In The Magical Melody Of RENDITIONS.

Registration Fee :
50 Rupees Per Person. Participants must carry their ID cards with them else thier participation will be cancelled

1st Worth INR 3,000
2nd Worth INR 1,000

There shall be Two Rounds

Day : 2
Time : 14:30 – 15:30
Venue : Auditorium

1. Prelims Round:
** Each participant will be given 2-3 min to showcase their performance
** Instruments or Karaoke aren’t allowed
** No Companion is allowed in Prelims
** Judges can end any performance any time

2. Final Round:
Initially from Prelims Round, 6 participants shall be selected for the finals (but the no. of participants shall go to finals depends on judges i.e. it can increase or decrease). The participants shall be marked by a jury consisting of 3 judges.

Rules For Finals :
** Each participant will be given 4-6 min to showcase their performance
** Participants shall bring all karaoke tracks in a CD on their own
** Vulgarity or nudity will directly lead to disqualification
** All music forms are allowed
** One can use an instrument in the final round subject to choice and availability (to be arranged by the participant)
** Only 1 person is allowed to assist during the performance
** The decision given by the judges will be final and un-questionable

Vishal 8284826960
Rajneesh Rana 9417527184
Manmitika 9780283436

This post was last modified on June 26, 2021 1:38 PM

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