VELS University National Level Cube Design Contest & Poster Presentation 2017 :

Organisation : VELS University
Competition Name : National Level Cube Design Contest & Poster Presentation
Registration Last Date : 4th March, 2017

Website :
Contest Poster :

Cube Design Contest:

VELS University , Department of Civil Engineering in Association with Ramco Cement is organising National Level Cube Design Contest & Poster Presentation

Related :SGI Institute Concrete Fest Cube Competition :

Winners will be awarded with a Shield. Participation certificate will be given to all participants. All the participants can attend the poster presentation.

Entry Fee :
Rs. 400/- Per Student, A Team of 4 Members is Compulsory. Registration via DD (Last date 4th March, 2017 ) or Spot Registration.

Date: 7th-8th MARCH 2017
Venue : VIBA Auditorium, Vels University, Pallavaram, Chennai-600117.

Take DD in the Name of “THE REGISTRAR, VELS UNIVERSITY” Payable at Chennai.

Postal Address:
The HOD, Civil Department,
Vels University, Pallavaram,

Staff Co-ordinator:
Mr. M.Sriraman-9500196971

Student Co-ordinator:
M.Logavarshan -9944947074
M.RajKumar -8124464280
R. Rakesh -9884378462

Facebook: @ramcovelscc2K17

About us :
The University status was conferred to Vel’s Group of Institutions, by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. As a logical consequence of this, the founder Chairman Dr.Ishari K.Ganesh has become the President/Chancellor and now he leads the implementation of strategic plan that aims to shape the institute’s future growth.

Know About VELS University Library Facility :
Vels University Library building spans over an area of 20,000 sq. ft. It has a seating capacity of 400 persons and follows Open Access System blended with State-of-the art facilities.

The library houses a collection of 1,00,549 books and 8,645 back volumes. It subscribes to more than 328 Periodicals (National & International), 11,717+ E-journals, 1,08,438 E-Books, 3,590 Dissertations, 4,766 Audio – Visual resources.

Our vision is to provide world-class knowledge resources that not only cater to the curricular requirements but also provide intellectual enquiry and research. We have a separate library for Maritime Studies at Thalambur having built up area of 3,000 sq. ft and more than 5,000 books.

The transactions of the library are fully automated and automation covers the entire gamut of library activities such as acquisition, circulation with provision for renewal, reservation, serial control, OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue), and generating various types of reports and statistics.

Besides the Central Library, each School has its own Library with technical books and journals.

Stack Area I:
It contains more than 87,053 books on Arts, Science & Technology, Paramedical, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories, Thesaurus, Year Books, Glossaries, Maps and Atlases.

Stack Area II:
It contains more than 1,500 books for students to prepare for the various Competitive Examinations and Student Project Reports.

Reference Section:
This section has over 11,659 books in various disciplines.

Periodical Section:
This section over 8,645 Back Volumes of Scientific and Technical periodicals. It also contains 328 Periodicals from various Professional Societies.

Digital Library:
It facilitates access to Electronic Information Services to ensure that the information needs of our Students, Faculty and Staff are met. Staff and Students can access E-journals from IEEE/IEL, ASME, ASCE, EBSCO (Academic Search complete & Business Source Elite), ProQuest, BENTHAM Science Pharmacy, MICROMEDEX’S DRUGDEX SYSTEM, INVENTI Online, NATURE Online, Law finder, NPTEL Course Material and Ebrary E Books complete collection.

Audio – Video Conference Hall:
It houses LCD and Pentium Systems with Internet. It will be used for the presentation of audio visuals available in the library or in selective cases brought from the other libraries also.

Reprographic Section:
It provides copier facility for the benefit of those who access the Library.

This post was last modified on August 1, 2017 11:35 AM

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