ASUS ZenTalk Max Save My Pal Contest 2017

Organisation : ASUS ZenTalk
Competition Name : Max Save My Pal Contest 2017
Applicable For : All Indian Nationals residing in India
Competition Last Date : 14th March 2017

Website :
Contest Page :
Contest T&C:

#MaxSaveMyPal Contest:

ZenTalk @asusindia #MaxSaveMyPal Contest

Related / Similar Contest : ASUS Zentalk ZenFone Panorama Lens Contest

Participation steps:
1) Share the post, tagging at least 5 of your friends whose phones are always low on charge, using @Asusindia #MaxSaveMyPal
2) Take a screenshot of your post, tweet or comment where your friends have been tagged.
3) Register on ZenTalk
4) Post your screenshot along with one line telling us what comes to your mind when you see “Battery Low”, by replying to #MaxSaveMyPalZenTalk forum thread.

3 winners with valid participation for ZenFone Max
10 lucky winners for Flipkart vouchers worth 1000/-

Terms and Conditions:
1. The contest is applicable to all Indian Nationals residing in India.
2. The contest is active from 4th March 2017 to 14th March 2017 11.59 PM. Late entries will not be entertained.
3. The participation will be considered valid only after posting your screenshot along with your reply on ZenTalk. Participants have to participate by tagging their friends on Facebook and Twitter and then sharing the screenshot on ZenTalk
4. Compulsory tagging of minimum 5 unique friends.
5. Compulsory #tags: #MaxSaveMyPal @AsusIndia
6. Registration on ZenTalk is mandatory.
7. Compulsory to submit the facebook/twitter screenshot on ZenTalk for valid participation.
8. The contest will be cancelled if the total number of minimum valid replies/participants fail to reach 500 on ZenTalk.
9. Multiple entries are allowed, provided you tag unique friends with unique reply on ZenTalk.
10. ZenTalk has the power to determine the final results. Winner will be randomly selected from the valid replies.
11. Asus will inform the winner to claim the prize by mail. Details have to be provided within 1 week post failing which if details not given, the prize will be cancelled.
13. The color and model of the prize will be randomly chosen.
14. ZenTalk reserves the rights to cancel, terminate, revise, or suspend the event,as well as rights of final interpretation. All changes will be announced on ZenTalk forum.
15. By participating in this activity, you agree to abide by ZenTalk Forum Terms & Conditions.
16. Participants have to Follow Asus India Page and also use the given hashtag or the tagline in their answers, if any.
17. Three winners will be gratified with a Zenfone Max and ten lucky winners will get gift vouchers worth Rs. 1000 each.

18. Winner will be announced on Asus India’s Facebook page and the ZenTalk forum and the announced winners need to share the requested identity and contact details with Asus India in the manner stipulated in its winner announcement post.

Late claims or improper details shared may result in cancellation of gratification and the winner being disqualified. In such a case Asus India may choose to announce a new winner or to end the activity without declaring a fresh winner.

19. Winner will be announced on 20th of Mar 2017

20. ASUS team will verify the participant’s details upon successful verification that the participant is a genuine Facebook/Twitter/ZenTalk user and not a fake profile or a duplicate profile and the participant has taken the necessary steps for participation as announced in the FB post/ tweet about this sweepstake, only then the participant’s entry will be treated valid.

21. The gratification will be dispatched to the customer’s address as provided by her/him. The responsibility of providing the correct address, identity and contact details rests with the participant.
22. Any concerns related to the offer should be communicated to Asus India within 30th Mar 2017, after which Asus India will not be liable to address any issues regarding this activity.

23. After dispatching the gifts, Any concerns related to the postal details and delivery should be communicated to Asus India within 10th April 2017, after which Asus India will not be liable to address any issues regarding this dispatch.

24. Each entrant is responsible for monitoring his or her email account, Facebook account and Asus India Facebook page for notifications or other communications related to this activity.

25. Employees of, ASUS and its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising representatives and agencies, who are involved in the promotion, and the immediate families of any of the foregoing persons, are NOT ELIGIBLE under this offer.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 5:37 PM

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