BRBRAITT BSNL SMARTCON National Level Model Exhibition & Contest 2017

Organisation : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited BRBRAITT, Jabalpur
Competition Name : SMARTCON National Level Model Exhibition & Contest 2017
Applicable For : Any College Students (Under Graduate) Group
Registration Last Date : 10th Mar 2017.

Website :


This contest is the part of Platinum jubilee celebration of BRBRAITT. The main objective of this contest is to bring out the hidden talents among the students who have flare for developing models for ‘smart city implementation’ & to help the planning & implementation of smart cities in India.

Related : Aakruti 3D PLM Annual Design & Modeling Contest :

India is under transformation through its smart city project. Hence this institute would like to involve bright students of academic community in this project. With this focus in mind, this event is planned to bring all potential and creative students at one place and showcase their idea of SMART CITIES.

Registration Procedure:
Participants have to first register their team through web link on or before 10th Mar 2017. A Registration ID will be generated on registration which participating team has to note for future reference.

After registration Participants have to submit the abstract, photograph of the model, video (if any) of the working model and Resume (of all team members, name & designation of mentor) on mail given below latest by 15th Mar 2017.

Note:  On mail specifically mention the Registration Id, Title of the model and name of team leader.

Details regarding the events are available on and for any queries regarding event, please send a mail on mail id Participants will be screened/selected on the basis of their abstract and shortlisted model proposals will be intimated by 20-Mar-2017 for participation in exhibition through mail/phone.

** 1st Prize — Rs 10000/-
** 2nd Prize — Rs 8000/-
** 3rd Prize — Rs 5000/-
** 3 consolation prizes of Rs. 1000 each

Rules & Regulation:
1. Any College Students (Under Graduate) Group can participate in the competition. All the participants with valid I Card of their respective colleges are eligible to participate in the event and must produce the same at the time of competition.
2. Each group can have maximum of 5 members including mentor.
3. Model/Project has to be in the form of live demonstration and should be based on the innovative ideas.
4. Group have to submit the abstract, photograph and video (if any) of their model on or before 15-Mar-2017.
5. An Abstract of the model in brief with block diagram including aims, objectives, methodology, findings etc. should accompany each entry through mail.
6. Based on abstract screening and call for model presentation, shortlisted participants will be given certificates of participation.
7. Softcopy of Full Length project report, video of working model and presentation has to be submitted mandatorily on 27-Mar-2017 in a CD properly (report in .doc or .docx file) marked with following details Reg No, Title of model, Name of Students and mentor along with Mob nos. and Name of Institute.
8. All contestants are expected to display & present orally their models along with four A0 size posters containing concept, methodology, utility of model and Diagrammatic representation.
9. Presentation of model may be done in English or in Hindi. Presentation will be done only by students and not by mentors or teachers. Participants are advised to make power point presentation with minimum number of slides of power point (time duration 20 minutes approx).
10. Participants are required to be present at time of evaluation on 27-Mar-2017 and 20-Mar-2017 (if required), failing which will automatically disqualify the model from competition. Presence of mentor during the competition will be appreciated.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 11:43 AM

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    • Awards:
      ** 1st Prize -- Rs 10000/-
      ** 2nd Prize -- Rs 8000/-
      ** 3rd Prize -- Rs 5000/-
      ** 3 consolation prizes of Rs. 1000 each
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