HDFC ERGO Bike Ka Birthday Contest 2017 :

Organisation : HDFC ERGO
Competition Name : HDFC ERGO Bike Ka Birthday Contest 2017
Applicable For : Citizen of India
Entries Last Date : 6th April 2017

Website :

Bike Ka Birthday Contest:

We know your bike means the world to you! For being a companion on every road, a guide at every turn and a friend whenever you need, your bike’s journey deserves to be celebrated, just like you celebrate your birthday.

Related : Chillr HDFC Bank Corporate Salary Team Contest :

Bike Ka Birthday is HDFC ERGO’s initiative to celebrate your love for biking and help you say thanks to your trusted partner.

So, here’s how you celebrate!:
1. Tell us your Bike ka Birthday (Date of Purchase)
2. Write a message for your bike and share
3. Win a makeover for your bike

Contest Rules:
Contest Duration:
This contest is valid from 14th March 2017 to 6th April 2017, 5 pm in states of India. Last day to send entries is 6th April, 2017 subject to terms & conditions of the contest.

The winner will be selected on the basis of a combination of the quality of the message submitted and the popularity of the submission with regards to likes and shares and the sole discretion of HDFC Ergo

Eligibility for Participation:
1. Participant must be a citizen of India
2. Participant must be of the age of 18 years or above and should hold a valid driving license.
3. To participate in the contest, the participant has to fill in all the details mentioned in the
4. Dedicate a special message to their bike.
5. Share it with their friends and get maximum likes on their submission

Winner Determination:
** Winner will be chosen by HDFC ERGO. Participation does not necessitate winning a prize.
** Winners need to share their personal details with us within a week or will forfeit the prize.
** To claim the prizes winner has to provide the scan copy of the RC book of the Bike, for validation purpose.
** Winners shall be declared on the official Facebook page of HDFC ERGO.

This post was last modified on February 19, 2021 10:39 AM

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