ISFO SASMO 2017 Singapore & Asian Schools Math Olympiad Registration

Organisation : Singapore International Math Contests Centre
Competition Name : SASMO 2017 Singapore & Asian Schools Math Olympiad
Applicable For : Grade 2 to 10 Students
Registration Last Date : 25th March 2017

Website :
Register Here :

SASMO Math Olympiad Contest :

SASMO is a math olympiad contest that stretches not only the brightest students but is aimed at instilling confidence for all students.

Related : ISFO SASMO Singapore & Asian Schools Math Olympiad 2016 :

Format of the contest:
SASMO is open to all Primary 2 to 6 and Secondary 1 to 4 students (Grade 2 to 10 students from International schools).

Each level has a differentiated paper and contains 25 questions within 2 sections:
Section A:
15 Multiple Choice Questions (2 points for each correct answer; 0 point for each unanswered question; deduct 1 point for each wrong answer)

Section B:
10 Non-routine Questions (4 points for each correct answer; no penalty for wrong answers)

85 points (to avoid negative scores, each student will begin with 15 points)

The contest is designed in a way to make every student love Math again. SASMO contest fits nicely into the school curriculum with a high focus on non routine problem sums – preparing for SASMO contest helps students prepare for the PSLE and O-Level exams.

ASMO is open to all Primary 2 to 6 and Secondary 1 to 4 students (Grade 2 to 10 students from International schools).

Each level has a differentiated paper and contains 25 questions within 2 sections:
Section A:
15 Multiple Choice Questions (2 points for each correct answer; 0 point for each unanswered question; deduct 1 point for each wrong answer)

Section B:
10 Non-routine Questions (4 points for each correct answer; no penalty for wrong answers)

85 points (to avoid negative scores, each student will begin with 15 points)

** Perfect Score Award
** Gold Award
** Silver Award
** Bronze Award

** All the participants will receive a Certificate.
** The top 40% of the participants will receive an award certificate and a medal (Gold for top 8%, Silver for next 12% and Bronze for next 20%).
** Perfect scorers will receive a Perfect Score Award and $100 cash each, up to a maximum of $5000 for all the perfect scorers. In the rare event when there are more than 50 perfect scorers, the $5000 will be divided among all the perfect scorers.

Important Instructions :
Date of Exam: 18th February-2017 (Saturday) for both Math and Science
(Last Updated: 8 February 2017, 15:32 )

Time of Exam:
ISFO Math Olympiads: 9:30 A.M. to 10:45 A.M.
ISFO Science Olympiads: 11:15 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.

Centre for Exam: Exams will be held at Open centers. Details of Open centers will be mentioned on the admit cards along with the address.

Admit cards:
Schools/Students can download the admit cards from our website It will be available on 13th February 2017. Admit cards carry the details of centers and exam schedules. After downloading the admit cards, students need to paste their passport size color photograph and signature on it.

It should be attested by the School principal/self attested and should be duly stamped. Students who did not have school stamps on their admit cards for any reason should need to carry their School ID cards with them.

Reporting Time:
Students must reach the allocated exam center at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of exam. Students will be given 15 minutes additional time before commencement of exam to fill in their particulars in the OMR sheet. Students will not be allowed to leave the exam hall while the exam is still in progress.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 11:20 AM

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