Amazon Oneplus 3T 1 Cr Contest 2017

Organisation : OPlus Mobitech India Private Limited
Competition Name : Amazon Oneplus 3T 1 Cr Contest 2017
Applicable For : Residents of India (Except Residents of Tamil Nadu)
Competition Last Date : 19th April 2017

Website :

Oneplus 3T 1 Cr Contest :

This OnePlus 1 Cr. contest (“Contest”) is brought to you solely by OPlus Mobitech India Private Limited (“Brand”). Please read these terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) before entering the Contest.

Related : Amazon Oneplus 3T App Only Contest 2017 :

You need to fulfil the following eligibility criteria to enter the Contest:
(a) You should be an individual, legal resident of the Republic of India;
(b) You should have set India as your current country in your account settings on;
(c) You have a billing address within the territory of India; and
(d) You should be of an age 18 years or above at the time of entry into the Contest.

This Contest is not available in the state of Tamil Nadu in view of the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Prize Scheme (Prohibition) Act, 1979.

Details of the Contest & How to Enter:
This Contest will commence from 24th March at 12:01 a.m. (IST) and end on 19th April, at 11:59 p.m. (IST) (“Contest Period”).

In order to participate in the Contest, you must:
(a) sign-in to or its mobile site / mobile app (collectively “”) during the Contest Period; and
(b) purchase a OnePlus 3T smartphone listed on during the Contest Period by any seller.

** Customers fulfilling the aforementioned criteria are hereinafter referred to as “Participants”
** Thereafter, a random draw of lots will be conducted at the end of the Contest Period amongst Participants who have successfully fulfilled the conditions mentioned at Section 2 above.
** A total of 2 Participants will be selected from random draw of lots at the end of the Contest Period who will be eligible for answering a Contest question (“Shortlisted Participants”).
** The 2 Shortlisted Participants will receive an e-mail with a Contest question which is to be answered correctly within the stipulated time period as mentioned in the e-mail and follow such other steps mentioned therein.
** The Shortlisted Participants who answer the Contest question correctly within the stipulated time period will be selected (“Selected Participants”) and may win the Prize (defined below).
** In the event a Shortlisted Participant answers the Contest question incorrectly or does not respond within the stipulated time, another Participant will be shortlisted and this process will be undertaken until there are 2 Selected Participants.
** In addition to the criteria prescribed above, in order to win the Prize, the Selected Participants agree that they may be required to undertake take such further steps or fulfil such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Brand (whether through the Brand T&Cs or otherwise).
** The Participants agree that any conditions/ steps (if any) prescribed by One Plus are in addition to the criteria prescribed above and the Selected Participants will need to fulfil all such conditions/ steps to be eligible to win the Prize.

Mailing List:
By entering the Contest, you consent to being placed on a mailing list for promotional and other materials for Amazon. You may update or change your email preferences at the email preferences page.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:50 PM

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