SriLankan Airlines India Meet Jacqueline Fernandez Contest 2017

Organisation : SriLankan Airlines India
Competition Name : Meet Jacqueline Fernandez With Srilankan Airlines Contest 2017
Applicable For : Public of India
Competition Last Date : 2nd of April 2017

Website :
Contest Page :
Contest T&C :

SriLankan Meet Jacqueline Fernandez Contest

By commenting on the Contest Post, ‘Meet Jacqueline Fernandez with SriLankan Airlines’ (“the Contest”) posted on the official India Facebook page: (“Facebook Page”) of SriLankan Airlines Limited (“SriLankan”), you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”).

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Terms and Conditions:
If you are not in agreement with the Terms and Conditions, please do not comment to participate in the Contest.

1. The Contest starts on Tuesday, the 28th of March 2017 and ends on Sunday, the 2nd of April 2017. SriLankan, however, shall have the right to change the ending date of the Contest without prior notice.

2. This Contest is open to the general public of India including all current Facebook Page fans and followers. However, this Contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

3. The participants submit comments mainly to SriLankan and not to any social media platforms. The information provided by the participants shall be used for communicating with the participants and to inform them of future promotions of SriLankan where necessary.

4. The participants should be above 18 years of age at the time of participating in the Contest by commenting.

5. The winners shall have to establish their identity at the time of receiving their prize and SriLankan shall not issue the prize to any winner that fails to establish his/her identity to the satisfaction of SriLankan.

6. In order to participate in the Contest the participants must:
6.1. ‘Like’ the official verified SriLankan Airlines India Facebook Page located at-

6.2. Provide one answer to each of the five (5) questions asked in the Contest Post, ‘Meet Jacqueline Fernandez with SriLankan Airlines,’ in a single comment under the comments section of the Contest Post. For example: 1)…..2)…..3)……4)……5)…….

6.3. Include the hashtag “#MeetJFwithSriLankan” in the answer comment the participant submits under the comments section of the Contest post.

7. Each participant can only make one comment with answers under the comments section of the Contest Post.
8. Use of obscenity, vulgarity, discrimination or any other form of offensive matter would be a reason to ban a participant from the Contest and removal of the said comment.
9. Comments cannot infringe upon copyright/intellectual property, personal credit and privacy of others.
10. Comments that counter public ethics and moral would be removed immediately.
11. SriLankan reserves the right to cancel, modify, suspend or remove any content or disqualify a participant from the Contest in its sole discretion on whatsoever reason.

12. The participants agree to take part in any promotional, marketing or publicity activities or events reasonably requested by SriLankan and to consent to the use and disclosure by SriLankan, in any form of media, of their names, likenesses and/or general areas of residence without any reward or further reference.

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