/ India TV Dekho Lakho Ka Sona Jeeto Contest Win Gold 2015

Organisation : India TV News
Announcement : India TV Dekho Lakho Ka Sona Jeeto Contest Win Gold 2015

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India TV Dekho, Lakho Ka Sona Jeeto Contest :

How To Participate :

Your favorite news channel India TV has brought India and millions of TV Watch Gold Win “contest. Easy question, easy answer and a chance to win millions of gold.

Related / Similar Contest : India TV Dekho Lakho Ka Sona Jeeto Contest 2020

To participate-
– Stay tuned India TV
– Every day, a question will be asked
– Several times a day
– You can participate in the competition more than once
– Choose the correct answer from the 2 options and SMS us at the address on TV
– Competition for PAN card must

Terms :

1. The organizer of the contest will be solely responsible for its execution Awrh administration. India TV’s management of its discretion to cancel the competition / suspend / off or without notice to all or some of the contest reserve the right to change the terms and conditions and the loss / damage to the company will have no responsibility.

2. The contest will be held at the stated time limit. The contest will start 45 days from September 16, 2015. After the closure of any Contest entries will be accepted.

3. The prizes awarded in this contest are non-transferable and can not be changed.

4. Winners know your full name Awrh India TV will tell. Within days of the winner being notified of the award-winning notice to India TV Awrh given its approval did not include your full name and address, the prize giving the right to remove or re-draw India TV reserves.

5. It is the responsibility of the competitors in that they ensure that their legislation allows them to participate in this Contest.

6. Eligibility:
This contest only in the geographical boundaries of India is open to all Indian citizens. The following categories are not eligible to participate in person in this contest: Organizer and its subsidiary divisions, affiliates, authorized dealer / distributor, agent; Employees (their family members) and our contractor, supplier awards; And any other company professionally connected with this Contest, the employees (their family members).

Participants will be responsible for ensuring that their competitors participating in the contest and / or accepting the award (as defined below) does not violate any local laws or regulations. In an area where it is legally prohibited or restricted contest is void. “Imidiatt family” means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto Spaujh, baby or child or step-child (natural or adopted), parents, step-parents, Dada- grandmother, step-grandparent, step-grandson, granddaughter, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin.

7. The winner: India TV representative or judge all eligible to be nominated and / or entries, just north of the winner (s) will be selected by a transparent and random selection process. India TV’s decision in this regard will be final and no correspondence will be. Participation in the contest does not only entitled to win one prize contender. The competition procedure adopted by the India TV does not have the right to challenge another.

8. Premium rates apply for SMS.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 1:06 PM

Categories: Television/TV

View Comments (23)

  • Please tell the names of the 13 winners of India TV Dekho Lakhon Ka Sona Jeeto contest 2017. I have missed The results.

  • I am the contest winner as per result declared on 20.10.2015. Kindly reply whether date to receive the prize will be intimated to me?

  • I am the winner of contest as per result declared on 20.10.2015 at 8.00 pm. Whether any intimation may be informed me to receive the prize?
    Kindly reply.

    • I am a winner of contest as per result declared on tv on 20.10.2015. Kindly intimate the date to collect the prize please.

  • I have participated on 5th October 2015 in lakho ka sona jeeto . So please tell where can I see the winner list?

  • I had participated on 4th October 2015 indiatv dekho aur lakho ka sona jeeto contest. I want to know the winner list. It is for your kindly consideration to arrange to announce the winner lists.

    • India TV representative or judge all eligible to be nominated and / or entries, just north of the winner (s) will be selected by a transparent and random selection process. India TV’s decision in this regard will be final and no correspondence will be. Participation in the contest does not only entitled to win one prize contender. The competition procedure adopted by the India TV does not have the right to challenge another.

  • Hi, I participated on Friday, 25th Sept. When I read about the contest, it wasn't declared how the winners will be announced! I assumed I will receive an SMS. Earlier today I noticed that the winners are announced at 8:00 PM.

    I think I might have missed it even if I won the contest, where can I get the winners-list? Is it already declared or its yet to be declared?

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