TCS Campus Commune CodeVita Season VI Coding Contest 2017 :

Organisation : TCS Campus Commune
Competition Name : CodeVita Season VI Coding Contest 2017

Website :

CodeVita Season VI :

It’s been an awesome journey for the past 5 seasons.

Update :

TCS Campus Commune CodeVita 2018 Season 7 Coding Contest :

We saw the CodeVita envelope expand from:
** ~27K registrations in Season 1 to ~260K registrations in Season V
** 1 country in Season 1 to 40 nations in Season V
** 4 supported languages in Season 1 to 10 supported languages in Season V

‘Code is 21st Century Oxygen’
** Rightly said in the above quote, I am sure all the programmers here would agree. With Competitive programming being the buzz word with coders, CodeVita is also scaling for new milestones.

** Last season was an exciting one and this season we are looking to double it with different rounds and tougher challenges.

** This year we will be conducting zonal rounds for the India phase and the qualifiers from this round will move to Round 2.

** CodeVita Season VI also supports 10 languages similar to previous seasons. year we attempted a crowd-sourcing exercise to generate programming questions.

** Some of the questions you saw last year were contributed by TCSers working on client projects.

** Based on the success of last year we have now institutionalized this practice and you can expect a wide range of questions from several areas.

** Some of the prominent areas that one could expect questions on this year are, Game programming and Dynamic programming.

** Put on your coding hats, perfect your programming skills and register for the new season of CodeVita now!

What do these zone mean for me, as a participant?
The date on which you will participate in CodeVita Season6 will depend on the zone you belong to.

How Do I know which Zone I belong to?
Your Zone is determined by the college selected by you when creating your profile on the Next Step portal. For off campus registered students the zone depends on the test center location selected by you.

The zone/ recruitment branch you are tagged to is indicated on your Campus Commune profile page.

For example, if you see your recruitment branch as Mumbai, then you belong to Zone 3. You will appear for the Contest on July 28, 2017.

You can take part in round 1 of CodeVita only as per the schedule indicated above, basis the zone you belong to. Request for changing zone/allowing participation under a different zone etc will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Your zone will be the recruitment branch on the profile page as on 30th of June (details as entered by you at the time registering for the contest).

Can I participate in 2 different Zones?
No, a registered student can only participate in the Zone he has been assigned to. If you have already appeared for one Zone, you can not participate in another Zone.

If I am not sure about the Zone I belong to, where Can I get this Information?
You just need to visit your profile page on Campus Commune to know your recruitment branch

If you still need any assistance then you may write to campuscommune [AT] and they will confirm the Zone and the date for you.
Hope this helps and gives you better clarity on the zone you belong to and when your contest round is happening and take part accordingly.. .

This post was last modified on February 19, 2021 12:23 PM

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