Wipro Java Contest 2015

Organisation :
Announcement : Wipro Java Contest 2015
Last Date : 09th Oct 2015

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Wipro Java Contest :
Challenge Details :
Start Date : 24st Sep 2015
End Date : 09th Oct 2015

Rules to play the Coding Contest:
To participate in the contest, participants must be a member of
Contestants will get 2 attempts to submit the solution, only the best score counts!
Wipro Java Contest has 2 rounds – 1st Multiple Choice Questions and 2nd Coding Problem.
There are 15 multiple choice questions, each question consists of 4 marks.
There will be no negative marking.
You will be able to access the problem statement once you click the “Solve Problem” button.
Time duration is 30 minutes for MCQ and 3 hours for coding problem.

Job Details :
Experience : 2-5 years of experience developing Java/J2EE-based web-based applications
Job Location : Bangalore, Pune, Chennai
Primary Skills : Java, J2EE
Sub Skills : Spring ,Hibernate

Rules to play the Coding Contest:
Skilled in Struts and Spring Application Frameworks
Strong background in server-side java technologies including SOAP and REST based services ,EJBs, JSPs, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI, ANT, and JSTL (required)
Strong working knowledge of databases like ORACLE/MYSQL (required)
Knowledge of integrating backend systems using MQ / JMS
Strong working knowledge and experience with JavaScript including AJAX/JSON and JavaScript application frameworks such as jQuery and angular JS
Experience with working on XML data and XSL transforms
Experience with Data Access objects and Hibernate Object to Relational Data mapping.
Experience in performance tuning and monitoring WebLogic Application Server.
Sum of all the test cases is equal to 100 marks.

Q: Are there specific instructions provided before I attempt the question?
A: Yes, an instruction page will appear before you begin to attempt the question. Please read the instructions carefully before continuing with the question.

Q: Will I see my score immediately?
A: Yes, once you submit the code; you will see the score on the result page.

Q: Can I get to see which of my test cases were incorrect in the TechGig coding contest?
A: We do not disclose the detailed results of the challenge. Only the marks you accumulate in each question are shared

Q: My code runs perfectly on local system but it is giving error on TechGig platform. Why?
A: Please use given input/output types, functions as asked in the Coding problem description. Also follow the input/output specification and check the variable type to ensure that your code run fine on our platform.

Q: I was attempting a coding problem and was about to submit but the timer got over. Can I get time extension to submit my code?
A: No additional time will be provided. Every coding question has a stipulated time in which you have to complete and submit your solution.

Q: I was attempting a coding problem, but due to some unavoidable reason, I have to close the system/browser. Can I come back later and complete the coding problem?
A: Yes, you can come back later and re-attempt the problem. The timer will continue from the time where you have left. Your attempt will be deducted only if you submit your code or if the timer gets over.

Q: I was attempting a coding problem, but suddenly my system/browser crashed and I need to restart. When I logged in to TechGig and re-attempted my coding problem, I didn’t see the code which I had written so far before. Is there any way I can recover my lost code?
A: No, you need to restart from the scratch. We only save the solution on submission.

Q: I cannot enter my full e-mail id in the login box, what should I do?
A: The login box accepts email id as long as 200 characters. If you continue to face an issue, then please clear your browser cache.

Q: I have attempted a problem. Can I improve my score?
A: Yes, you can improve your score till you have attempts left in the question.

Q: I have attempted a question in a level twice, which score of mine will be considered and added in the leader board?
A: The score which is highest in the contest will be considered and added in your leaderboard. Suppose you are participating in Easy category and you score 50 marks and 70 marks in your 2 available attempts. In this case 70 marks will be added to your final score in leader board.

Q: Which languages are available?
A: 10 different languages are available. You can take your pick from Java, C, C++, C#,, Java Script, Python, Perl, Ruby and PHP.

Q: What is a Compilation Log?
A: Any compilation error or warning will be displayed on compilation log.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 1:06 PM

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