Star TV Dopahar Ke Stars Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : Dopahar Ke Stars Contest 2017
Competition Last Date : May 5, 2017

Website :

Dopahar Ke Stars Contest :

The following are the terms and conditions which shall be binding on each and every participant who voluntarily agree to participate in the contest titled “Dopahar ke stars”  hosted by Star India Private Limited as a part of the promotion and viewer engagement of “Star Dopahar” – an afternoon initiative by Star India of new shows  being currently telecasted on Star India’s channel named “Star Plus”.

Related : Star TV True Stories That Inspire You Contest :

Principal Rules:
Star India shall announce and market the Contest via on air-promotions and astons on the Channel, in-show promotions on the Channel, the Channel’s social media platforms, and/or other channels of Star India or through any other medium, at the sole discretion of Star India from April 1, 2017 onwards.

The Contest shall commence from April 10, 2017 and shall conclude on May 5, 2017 (both days included) (“Contest Period”) on the Channel. Star India reserves all rights to make amendments to the Contest Period or such other terms and conditions stated herein, without giving prior notice.

It shall be the sole responsibility of the Participant (s) to check the Terms and Conditions for the Contest on the Channel and /or the Website from time to time.Star India also reserves the right to cancel and/or postpone the Contest without any prior intimation to the Participant(s).

The Contest shall be a daily contest triggered on the Channel between 12.30 PM Indian Standard Time (“IST”) and 2.30 PM IST on Mondays to Saturdays only during the Contest Period (“Daily Period”).

The Contest shall comprise of 1 (one) daily question based on programs telecasted in Star Dopahar, each having 3 (three) answer choices (“Daily Question(s)”).

For avoidance of doubt it is clarified that the Daily Question(s) triggered shall be refreshed on each day of the Contest Period and shall accordingly vary from each other of the Contest period.

The Daily Questions shall not exceed a number of 24 (twenty four) questions in the Contest Period. The Participants shall be required to SMS the correct answer to the Daily Question in the manner prescribed and stand a chance win Gratification (defined below).

The Daily Question on a particular day of the Contest Period shall remain the same on such day and will be telecasted multiple times during the Daily Period on the Channel.

How To Enter:
i. SMS the correct answer in the format “DOPAHAR<space><A/B/C>” to 57827 through registered phone number of the Participant in the manner provided hereunder (“Answer”). It may be clarified that for the purpose of submitting an Answer pertaining to a specific Daily Question, the Participant shall be required to SMS the Answer to the same during such particular Daily Period only and not after that.

ii. It may be clarified that for the purpose of the Contest, the participation by sending SMS of Answer corresponding to a particular Daily Question during the Daily period shall not be restricted to any number of maximum attempts. The Participant shall in this case be allowed to participate in the Contest and SMS the Answer multiple times during the Daily Period.

iii. It is clarified that each Answer sent in the form of SMS during the Contest Period should contain the respective keywords “DOPAHAR” followed by <space> followed by their reply in for options <A/B/C>.

iv. Each Participant sending an Answer in the manner provided above shall receive an SMS acknowledgment of STAR India viz. “Thanks for the response. We’ll inform, if your entry is chosen. Your SMS agrees to contest T&C on Continue to watch Star Dopahar, on Star Plus”.

v. “Receipt” of Answer with Star India shall occur when (i) the mobile/network operator records the correct Answer information upon the Participant(s) sending the desired SMS from their registered phone number during the Contest Period and (ii) the Participant receives a thank you message as stated above”.

In the event that such SMS acknowledgment is not received by the Participant due to a disruption in functionality and/or network, or a fault in the mechanism and the Answer is not received, STAR India will not be held responsible for the same. For sake of clarity, any other automated receipt confirmation shall not constitute proof of actual receipt.

vi. Providing the correct Answer for the respective Daily Question triggered on a daily basis during the Contest Period by the Participant(s) by sending an SMS on 57827 in the manner provided above shall be considered as a complete and valid entry (“Entry”).

vii. (i) SMS sent by the Participant to an incorrect number or (ii) without the requisite characters or <space> or correct alphabet options in the order specified or (iii) incorrect Answer submitted (iv) Answer corresponding to a particular Daily Question submitted after the Daily period will be deemed invalid and will be disqualified and shall be ineligible for Gratification.

It is clarified that for the purposes of the Contest and to be eligible for the Gratification, it is mandatory that the phone number through which the Participant participates in the Contest is duly registered in his /her name or his/her immediate family member’s name. This Contest is subject to the guidelines /directions issued by TRAI and any other statutory authority from time to time.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

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