MTV Gone Case Contest 2017

Organisation : Viacom18 Media Private Limited
Competition Name : MTV Gone Case Contest 2017
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Competition Date : April 11, 2017

Website :
Contest Page :
Contest T&C :

MTV Gone Case Contest :

1. This Contest is organized by Viacom18 Media Private Limited (“Organizers”) and sponsored by Blue Elephant Ventures (owner of the brand – “Madanyu”) (“Sponsor”).

Related : MTV Get A Job 3 Contest :

2. The Contest is open to all applicants for participation who meet the following requirements for participation:
a. citizens of India;
b. who are above 14 (Fourteen) years of age; and
c. have a valid Twitter account/ handle and are followers of @MTVIndia on Twitter.

3. To participate in the Contest, the Participants will be required to log on and follow the official MTV India twitter page/ handle i.e. @MTVIndia located at

During the Contest Period, a Participant shall be required share a creative and interesting reason as to why they should win a new “MTV Gone Case” as per mode of participation provided below and the instructions that may be provided by Organizer from time to time.

4. Mode of Participation:
A Participant may participate in the Contest by following below steps, during the Contest Period (defined below):

a. Follow the official Twitter handle of MTV India i.e. @MTVIndia at following link: (“Contest Page”);

b. During the Contest Period, a Participant needs to find the relevant tweet shared by the Organizer via the aforesaid Contest Page requesting Participants to share a creative and interesting reason as to why they should win a new “MTV Gone Case” as per mode of participation provided below and the instructions that may be provided by Organizer from time to time (“Contest Tweet”);

c. Reply to the aforesaid Contest Tweet by clicking the “Reply” icon located at the bottom of the Tweet and sharing the Contest Entry i.e. a creative and interesting reason as to why they should win a new “MTV Gone Case” along with the following 2 (two) hashtags “#MTVJustInCase” and “#MTVGoneCase” or such other hashtag/s as may be detailed in the Contest Tweet or othewise informed by the Organizer from time to time and any other instructions provided therein;

d. A Contest Entry will be considered valid only if such Contest Entry is mandatorily accompanied with the following 2 (two) hashtags “#MTVJustInCase” and “#MTVGoneCase” (or any other hashtag/s as may be provided in the Contest Tweet or as informed by the Organizer from time to time) and submitted in strictly in compliance with the Contest terms and conditions and other instructions of the Organizer as communicated from time to time.

e. Each Participant shall ensure that the Contest Entry and any content submitted by such Participant for the purpose of this Contest shall be with appropriate permissions/ no-objections permitting such Participant to share such Contest Entry with the Organizer and further permitting/ licensing the Organizer to broadcast it on various channels owned or controlled by it and/or all such modes, media and format as may be determined by the Organizer and in no manner infringe any rights including intellectual property rights, including without limitation, the copyright of such third person(s)/ other party, venue, etc. and subject to Clause 5 (Grants of Rights and License to Organizer) below and terms and conditions herein.

Contest Period:
The Contest shall be a one-day contest to begin on 14:00 hours on April 11, 2017, and shall conclude at 17:00 hours on April 11, 2017 (“Contest Period”). Any entries received after the Contest Period shall not be entertained and shall be considered ineligible for the Contest. The Winners shall be announced within 1 (one) week after the completion of the Contest on such date and/or time as may be determined by the Organizer at its sole discretion.

This post was last modified on February 24, 2022 3:12 PM

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