Flagship Assurance Contest 2015 : Tata Consultancy Services Campus Commune

Organization : Tata Consultancy Services Campus Commune
Competition Name : The TCS Flagship Assurance Contest 2015
Applicable For : 2016 & 2017 Batch Students
Applicable States : All India
Registration Last Date : 7 July 2015

Website :
Register Here :

The TCS Flagship Assurance Contest 2015:
Technological advancements and the Digital revolution has changed the way businesses think today, resultingin a need for continuous learning and innovation. Markets demand agility, flexibility and improved customer experience, creating a need for optimum quality and 24*7 services. Assurance (Software Testing) provides process and product quality across the test value cycle and is a specialized function in itself. Growing complexity of current applications, modifications in technologies, birth of new frameworks, combined increase in competitive pressure, sky rocketing costs of application failure and downtime have captured the need for software testing to newer heights. Thus quality processes and products reinforce confidence andacceptance by customers.

In a pursuit to bring out the best from students and institutes in this growing field, TCS Talent AcquisitionTeam (TAG) in association with Assurance Services Unit (ASU) introduced TESTimony– a TCS SoftwareAssurance Contest across TCS accredited institutes in India.

Purpose of the Contest:
Today, very few colleges provide courses in Software testing. As a result Software testing gains importanceonly when students enter the corporate world. TESTimony is an attempt to nurture and lay a strongfoundation for students in this space, helping them jump start their career in Software testing.TESTimony is a platform that encourages students to enhance their knowledge in software testing as well as reward them for exhibiting exemplary talent and knowledge in Automated testing, Performance testing, Test Management and other Software Quality related topics. It is more than a contest. It is a unique opportunity to learn, explore the world of Testing as well as showcase one’s talent and earn peer recognition and honor.It also provides an opportunity to showcase TCS Assurance offerings to the academic world.

Registrations for the contest will be open from 9 April 2015 -17 July 2015.

Participation and Eligibility Guidelines:
** Any number of teams can register for the contest with participants above 18 years of age and from the batches of 2016 and 2017.
** A team shall comprise of two members who are from the same college/institute. The team members should have a valid CT Reference Number, and a member can only be a part of one team.
** Students should register online on TCSL’s NextStep portal- A Campus Trainee (CT)/ Direct Trainee (DT) Reference Number is mandatory for participating in the contest.
** Each team should choose a name and leader. When registering the team online, the leader will have to nominate the team member.
** All communication with respect to the contest will be provided to the teams through the team leaders, who are responsible to update their teams about the same.
** The team can be from the same discipline or multiple disciplinary.
** Team members are required to remain constant throughout the contest. Movement within teams is not permitted and doing so will lead to disqualification from the contest.
** The infrastructure/software/s required for testing shall be borne by the team or the institution they represent.
** TCS will not be liable for any damage to the infrastructure of the institute which may be caused by participants from the institute during the contest.
** Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Online search engines may be used for reference, but copying directly from the internet is forbidden.
** All contestants must have access to the Internet, a valid postal address, and a valid email address in order to enter the contest.

Contest Structure:
The contest will comprise of three rounds of software testing.

Round 1:
This will be an online quiz. The top 300 teams that submit the correct answers within the shortest possibletime along with other evaluation parameters will move on to the next round. The discretion of the TESTimony evaluation team and their adjudication of winners will be binding on all participants.

Round 2:
Teams selected from Round 1 will undergo two tests in this round.
** Section1 – Objective type, multiple choice questions on software testing and tools with higher difficulty level.
** Section2 – Subjective type multiple Choice Questions using Selenium / Jmeter / Appium mobile testing tools.

Section 2 questions will require more practical knowledge on the syllabus provided, which will judge the programming and testing skills of the participants. For e.g. interpreting outputs from a given piece of code or detecting errors in a script.

The top 10 teams that present the correct answers in both the sections will qualify for the finale.

Round 3:
The grand Finale will be held at a TCS Campus. The 3 hour round will include the following:

A case study based on the tools Selenium, Jmeter and Appium mobile testing .

Teams will be adjudged on:
1. Accuracy : How close a solution is to a given problem statement
2. Speed : Time taken to solve the maximum number of problems i.e. Speed
3. Efficiency : How much resources does the solution consume i.e. Efficiency
4. Communication

The teams will need to submit three major deliverables :
** Bug report
** Test report
** PowerPoint presentation

The participants are to thoroughly research and learn well in advance how to file bugs and prepare straightforward reports.The team will have to provide the content in a report that is a format of their own. It should clearly outline how the team decided what to test and how the time was allotted/ utilized. The team that scores the maximum on the parameters mentioned above will be adjudged as the winner of TESTIMONY.

Penalties will also be imposed for incorrect submissions. For e.g., a team would be penalized for additional time taken to solve the problem or deliver the reports/presentation. Weightages will be assigned according to the severity of the test cases, and judged accordingly.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 4:19 PM

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