Yamaha Swag Bash Dance Battle & Battle of Bands Contest 2017 : yamaha-motor-india.com

Organisation : India Yamaha
Contest Name : Yamaha Swag Bash Dance Battle and Battle of Bands Contest 2017 (#YamahaSwagBash)
Applicable For : Citizens of India (resident in India)
Contest Last Date : 20th Apr 2017

Website : https://www.yamaha-motor-india.com/
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/21760-swagbash.pdf

#YamahaSwagBash Contest :

1. The Contest called “Dance battle & Battle of Bands” is a limited period contest valid from 05th Apr – 20th Apr 2017 (Contest Period), brought to you by India Yamaha and is open to citizens of India (resident in India).

Related : BAF India Yamaha Bonanza Contest : www.contest.net.in/17477.html

2. Employees of India Yamaha its affiliates, representatives and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in the Contest. Citizens of foreign countries residing in India and/or Non Resident Indians are not eligible to participate in theContest.

3. The participant must read and abide by all the terms and conditions before taking part in the contest. The participation in the Contest shall imply that participant has read through and agreed to adhere to the terms and conditions and be bound by them.

4. No entry fee is charged to participate in the Contest.
5. The participants can upload their performance video from YouTube in either of the Categories.

a. Team should upload only the videos shot for the purpose of participating in the Swagbash contest
b. India Yamaha shall not reimburse or provide any Travelling and Lodging cost to any Participant / Winner

Dance Battle -Participation Process:
1. Visit www.yamahaSwagBash.com, go to contest section.
2. Click on ‘Participate Now’ button
3. Fill your details of video upload – Give link of your performance of YouTube link
4. Once you submit the details and linked, the link is moderate by Yamaha team.
5. If approved, your video will be on gallery page of the contest.

Battle of the Bands- Participation Process:
1. Visit www.yamahaSwagBash.com, go to contest section.
2. Click on ‘Participate Now’ button
3. Fill your details
4. For video upload – Give link of your performance of YouTube link
5. Once you submit the details and linked, the link is moderate by Yamaha team.
6. If approved, your video will be on gallery page of the contest.

6. From all the entries received, a maximum of 20 participants will be shortlisted in both the categories i.e. 10 for Dance Battle and 10 for Battle of Bands.

The participants will be shortlisted by India Yamaha on the basis of their quality of performance and will be called for a live performance at Yamaha Swag Bash happening in Bangalore on 22nd and 23rd April 2017.

7. The “Dance Battle” category is Free Style in nature.

In the Battle of the Bands, any Indian Music band can participate:
a. The “Dance Battle” category is Free Style. In the Battle of Bands, any Indian Music Band Can Participate.
b. Dance Battle – The Performance should be minimum 2.5 minutes and should not Exceed than 5 Minutes
c. Dance Battle – The Music/ Lyrics selected for performance should not be using any language that will be inappropriate. The use of the Music / Lyrics
d. Battle of Bands – The performance should not exceed 15 Minutes
e. Battle of Bands – The performance to include 2 Songs – ( 1 Performance on Bollywood Song | 1 Performance of bands own/remix version)

8. Finale will Happen on 22nd April 2017
9. One winner will be selected in each category. The winners will be selected by the Judges.

10. Prize Money:
a. Top 3 Winners of Dance Battle will be gratified with total of Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees One Lakh Only)
b. Top 3 Winners of Battle of bands will be gratified with total of Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees One Lakh Only

11. The winners will be declared during the event on 22nd/23rd April 2017.

This post was last modified on February 20, 2021 12:30 PM

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