2015 CBSE Expression Series on Mahatma Gandhi : Central Board of Secondary Education

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : CBSE Expression Series on Mahatma Gandhi 2015
Applicable For : Classes I to XII
Applicable States/UT : All India
Competition Dates : 2nd October, 2015

Website :
Notification :

Expression Series on Mahatma Gandhi :

To pay tribute to ‘the Father of Nation’ Mahatma Gandhi, on his birthday on 2nd October, CBSE announces Expression Series on Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October, 2015.

Related / Similar Contest :
CBSE Expression Series September 2015 Result

Expression Series Details :
i. To be held on 2nd October, 2015.

ii. The three categories of participation are:
a) Classes I to V,
b) Classes VI to VIII and
c) Classes IX to XII

iii. Topics are given in Annexure 1.

iv. Students may submit their entries as Essay/ Poem/ Drawing.

v. Entries may be submitted in any one of the 22 scheduled languages and English.

vi. Participation is voluntary. As it is a national holiday, interested participants may submit the entry from home or from a place as per their convenience.

vii. Entries may be submitted using any of the three following modes:
a) Online mode through the link to be made available on (Details given in Annexure II)
b) Uploading only the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry through the link to be made available on . (Details given in Annexure II)

c) Mobile App using the numbers (Details given in Annexure III):
For Classes I to V 7065963925
For Classes VI to VIII 7065963926
For Classes IX to XII 7065963927

viii. To cater to the need of students of schools of such areas where internet connectivity is limited, the Board has devised a registration-cum-response sheet (Annexure-IV). This response sheet may be downloaded, printed and photocopied for distributing to participants. After completion of activity, participants are required to scan it/ click an image of the entry and upload it through link or send through Mobile App. Images without clear details may not be considered.

ix. The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 08:00hrs in morning to 23:59 hrs in night on 2nd October, 2015.

x. Entries submitted through email/ by post may not be considered.

xi. Best 36 entries in each category shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.

xii. Each participant will get a Certificate of Participation.

xiii. Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.

xiv. Plagiarism check may be done and the entry will be liable to disqualification if found plagiarized at any point of time.

Instructions :

1. Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
2. Entries should not exceed 5MB in any format.
3. Students are required to register only once as multiple registrations may lead to disqualification.
4. The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
5. The entries/writings must be original.
6. If at any stage the entries submitted are proven to be plagiarized or are without the registration details, the entry will be disqualified. Plagiarism, if detected any point to time, will lead to withdrawal of the prize.
7. Entries received on the numbers other than the ones prescribed for a class category may be disqualified.
8. Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however the entries submitted must be in their own language.
9. The decision of panel of experts will be final and no further communication will be entertained on the selected entries.
10. Each page of the entry submitted by the participant MUST HAVE the contact details as given in the Annexure-IV. Entries without proper details on each page may not be considered.

1. Download the Registration cum Response Sheet and fill in all the fields given in the form Complete details before you start writing.
2. Students may use additional sheet if required, however, each additional sheet must have proper details as given on the main sheet.

Click a photograph of your entry or scan the image and upload through the Mobile App on the following Numbers:
Classes 1 to 5 7065963925
Classes 6 to 8 7065963926
Classes 9 to 12 7065963927

Participants may submit entries as Essay/Poem/ Drawing

For any query, you may contact Joint Director, at 011-23215130 or e-mail at

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

View Comments (100)

  • I have participated in 2nd october 2015 drawing competition till now I have not got my certificate.

  • I had participated in 2nd October competition. I was selected in best 36 entries. I had got the certificate, but not the prize money of Rs. 2500. Please do something.

  • I have participated in CBSE Swach Bharat 2014 competition and won 1st prize, but it has not been sent to me yet. Please send the certificate to Carmel convent school Gwalior class:8eh, E section.

  • It was said that the topic of the essay would be told on the second Wednesday of the month. Today is the second Wednesday ie.09/12/2015 of the month December. Yet I am unable to figure out the topic of this month's essay. Please help so that I can submit my entry on time.

  • I participated in the cbse online essay writing competition held on 28th 29th 30th November on constitution but when will the results be produced?

    • World Disability Day – 3rd December, 2015-reg :
      The report of activities, feedback in 200 words including one photograph on the activities under taken by the school may be sent to Dr. Sandeep Kumar Jain, Joint Director, CBSE, at inclusion.cbse[AT]

    we think that we introduced our national symbols but the truth is that they introduced us.
    we can express our feelings regarding the world around us by many ways but a national symbol is itself the explanation of everything like our national flag states all are equal. It represents nations peace, harmony.
    Our national symbols cannot speak infinite words but can express infinite feelings of infinite people living in our nation..
    our national symbol TIGER holds more power than any thing which can represent.
    The national symbols provide a different identity to all of us.
    The national symbol PEACOCK itself symbolizes the beauty of our nation that our nation have a beautiful heart in which all are welcome any time no matter from which religion he belongs.
    The national symbol LOTUS is a symbol of truth, peace and proves that our nation moves in harmony all are valued and respected here by both joining hands.
    The national symbols are our identity and we are in complete without them as they are only thing that represents us in all spheres of world.
    The national symbols are sweet flowers in the garden of our INDIA.

    • A poster–making competition to illustrate the messages contained in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution for all students of classes VI to XII.
      It will happen on 26th November 2015

  • My daughter uploaded an essay on Mahatma Gandhi but till now not a single mail has come to me. What to do?

  • I am very much confused about the conduct of competition. It was told that the topic will be given on 2nd Wednesday of the month and we have to submit our entries on 2nd Friday and Saturday but every time I am unable to participate. Can you please tell the exact criterion for the participation? So that I don't miss the chance again.

  • Maulana Abul Kalam Azad born in 1888 symbolized communal harmony during Indian Freedom Struggle. Born in a family of scholars, reading and writing naturally came to him. He did not attend any formal education and onus of his education was taken care by his father only. A renowned scholar and active in Indian polity , he gave up his job of clergyman and became actively involved in Indian Freedom Struggle. Unlike other Muslim leaders, he opposed separatism and freedom at the cost of communal tolerance was not acceptable for him. Maulana Azad was profoundly inspired by Gandhi ji's principles of non violence, civil disobedience and non cooperation and believed in peaceful demonstration.
    Some points about Maulana ji's life will better help us understand the role of Maulana in Indian freedom struggle.In 1912 , at the age of 24, he started Urdu weekly newspaper Al Hilal by which he openly attacked British's policies and propagated Indian Nationalism.
    1914, as Al Hilal was censored due to establishment of Press Act, he started another journal called Al Balagh which worked on the same lines as Al Hilal to propagate Indian Nationalism.The threat posed by new journal also led to banning it . He was imprisoned for it in Ranchi jail where he remained till 1920.As he was released, he highlighed atrociies and loss of civil liberties as faced by the people. He also aroused the Muslim community by starting Khilafat Movement.He served president of All India Khilafat committe and along with other Khilafat leaders, he founded Jamia Millia Islami Institute in Delhi.He was inspired by Gandhiji and their principles and hence he joined Congress, In 1923, he served as president of congress, thus being the youngest one to hold this post.In 1928, he supported the report by Motilal Nehru, proposing reforms from Indian Opinions. He opposed the ideal of Muhammad Ali JInnah for separate electorate for Muslims. He was a strong proponent of Strong, Secular India.He was again arrested in 1930 for violation of salt law as a part of Gandhiji's salt satyagraha movement , He stayed in Meerut jali till 1934 after the conclusion of Gandhi Irwin Pact.He strongly condemned Jinnah and other Muslim leaders for their separatist politics in 1940 after being president of Congress in the Ramgarh Session.
    In 1942, he was arrested again due to his involvement as a part of Quit India Movement. He was imprisoned at Ahmednagar fort where he remained in complete isolation till 1946
    At the dawn of independence, he served as a strong opponent of partition. and During the partition he took responsibility of security of muslims by establishing refugee camps in violence affected zones of Bengal, Bihar, Punjab.He served as the first education minster under Nehru administration which he remained till his death in 1958.He appointed committees and commissions like University Education Commission (1948), Kher Committee for Elementary Education (1948) and Secondary Education Commission (1952-53) for making education more democratic.He believed in power of education and framed policies for universalisation of education.

  • I have tried in 3 competitions on cbse expression series but still not received the participation certificate. Is there some kind of problem in cbse website or something? Can someone please help? It is very depressing how we won't even know if our entry is submitted or not? Please help

  • Sardar Vallabhai Patel was born on the 31st of October 1875, in Gujarat. He was the son of Zaverbhai who had served in the army of the Queen of Jhansi and Ladbai. Vallabhbhai started his education in a Gujarati medium school and after middle school he switched over to English medium in the Nadiad High School. During the course of his studies his penchant towards organizing came to light. He successfully organized many events. He matriculated in 1897.
    In 1891 he married Zaverbai and they had two children. But after she passed away in 1909, the following year he went to England to study law. He completed his law studies in 1913 and came back to India and started his law practice. He joined the Gujarat club and started following a western lifestyle. One day Gandhiji came to the club to give lectures. Sardar Patel was greatly influenced by this master spokesperson. As soon as he came in contact with the Mahatma he decided to discard his foreign clothes and follow the rules of Satyagraha as laid down by Gandhiji. A relationship of teacher and student began to develop in between them.
    In 1918 when there was a flood in Kaira, the British insisted on collecting tax from the farmers. This time the Sardar made optimum use of Satyagraha and asked the farmers not to give in to the demands of the government. All of this was done peacefully and the farmers followed his guidance. The British got fed up and eventually returned the land confiscated by them earlier.
    In 1928 the farmers faced a similar problem and Vallabhai came to their rescue again. The British were as usual demanding an unjust tax and the farmers of Bardoli under the supervision of Vallabhbhai did not budge. The government in retaliation seized the lands. This agitation took on for more than six months until Patel's brother, Vithalbhai, an important figure in the Central Legislative Assembly struck a truce. This event immensely delighted Gandhiji and the title of "Sardar" was conferred on him. When he was assisting Gandhiji in the Salt Satyagraha, he faced imprisonment for the first time
    With great wisdom and political foresight, he consolidated the small kingdoms. The public was with him. He tackled the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Nawab of Junagarh who intially did not want to join India. There were a lot of problems connected with the reunion of the numerous states into India. Sardar Patel's untiring efforts towards the unity of the country brought success. Due to the achievement of this massive task, Sardar Patel got the title of 'Iron Man'. ' He is one of the prestigious leaders of the world who became immmortal by uniting a scattered nation without any bloodshed.
    When India became free and Pakistan attacked Kashmir, it was Patel who asked to withhold the cash balances left by the British for Pakistan. Gandhiji felt this was immoral and went on a fast until death. Sardar withdrew his argument because he could not bear to see his teacher's suffering. In independent India he held the portfolio of Home Minister, Minister of state and the Minister for information and broadcasting. One of his major achievements included the integration of the princely states into the union of India.
    On 3oth January 1948, when Gandhiji was assassinated Sardar Patel was a totally shattered man. He had lost a dear friend and the guiding force of his life.
    He died in Bombay in December 1950.

  • I have not received certificate of participation for essays on SR Ranganathan and Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, conducted by CBSE expression series. The site promised that my essay has been approved and a certificate of participation has been sent to my E- Mail Id. Could anyone help me regarding this issue?
    Thank you

  • please inform me about the date of result declaration of essay on Mahatma Gandhi.

    I am waiting for it

  • Its been a year from now. ..
    My daughter was declared a winner for CBSE Expression Series on Mahatma Gandhi last year.

    I am still waiting for the certificate and the award.

  • I submitted my entry but I didn't receive any mail. How will I know whether my entry is submitted or not? Will I get the participation certificate or not?
    Any one please if you know the solution for my problem? Please help me with your reply

  • I too submitted my entry on 2nd october at 12:00 but did not received any confirmation mail despite sending a mail to the coordination mail id(gmail) mentioned on the site. How will I know whether my entry has been submitted or not?

  • A poem on mahatma gandhi and his educational philosophy
    The columns of history crowd.
    With soldiers , noblemen and
    But the name of one shine above
    And looks down on the rows

    His name was Gandhi
    Of the Indies
    He fought no war and he killed no
    Yet he was an action plan for
    men along.

    He lived his youth in slavery .
    He touched the untouchables
    with no fear.
    To him ; Penny Dreadful were no
    And rich men were no higher.

  • I didn't get any email of certificate of participation and I won Dr.Radhakrishnan merit certificate also.

  • When will be the result of the competition held on 2nd October 2015 on 'Gandhi the apostle of peace and non violence' will be declared?

  • When will the result be announced and will the finalists get an email . If yes then till when?

  • I submitted my poem on gandhiji on 2nd October but still there is no notification for the result. When will the results be declared?

  • By the way I really want to thank cbse and all the members for organizing this competition. In this manner students can learn many things about someone or something?

  • As many other participants, i have also not received any confirmation e-mail on the given id. How will i know if my entry ha been successfully submitted? i submitted in the given time yesterday.

  • On 2nd oct I submitted ten lines I learn t from life of Gandhiji and got the response that submitted successfully but still did not get confirmation email. Why is it so ?

  • I want to write essay on mahatma gandhi but the submission date is over. So can you please give me another topic?

  • Oh ! Great Leader Gandhiji
    we all call you bapu ji
    Oh! Father of Nation
    you made a sensation
    when you got us independents
    without any violence
    Oh! Great leader Gandhiji
    you Practised Law in south Africa
    and told a british to Quit india
    and Faught for indias freedom
    without any weapons

  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in a devout, well-to-do Vaish family of Gujarat. His father was the dewan of the state of Rajkot. His mother was a pious Hindu lady of orthodox views. After his schooling in India, he went to England to study law. He was later called to the bar.

    He practiced law in South Africa and started Satyagraha for securing the rights of Indians in South Africa. There was a systematic persecution of the Indians there, and they were deprived of most of their basic civic rights.

    They were subjected to humiliating police ordinances, and their properties and shops were often looted and burnt. Gandhiji raised his voice against this cruelty and injustice. He was frequently arrested and imprisoned but he was not a man to give in. He was made of a sterner stuff He went on fighting till he secured for the Indians the rights they wanted.

    He returned to India. He reorganized the Indian National Congress and infused into it a truly patriotic zeal. In 1919, there was an indiscriminate shooting by General Dyer of innocent men, women and childern in the Jalliafiwalla Bagh, at Amritsar. Gandhiji protested against this unjust and uncalled for human butchery of the Indians.

    He rejected forthright the reforms of 1919. He started mass 'Satyagraha.' He was imprisoned to a term of six years. But long terms of imprisonment that followed one after the other could not daunt him or curb his spirit. He was determined to free India from the British yoke. He was prepared for any and every sacrifice. He was prepared for the worst. He meditated long and deeply on the Indian scene of poverty and bondage.

    The question before him was whether to stand and look on impotently or strike and end it whatever the consequences. In August 1942, the last arid final blow was struck. The famous 'Quit India Resolution' was passed in Mumbai. Mahatma Gandhi took the lead. He as well as other top-ranking leaders were arrested.

    There was an unprecedented awakening all over the country. The whole country rose as one man against British domination. At last, India was declared Independent on the 15th of August 1947. Gandhiji's sacrifices had borne fruit. At the dawn of freedom, there were Hindu-Muslim riots. He worked day and night for Hindu-Muslim unity. He was shot dead by a fanatic, Nathu Ram Godsey, while he was coming to address a prayer meeting at Birla House, Delhi.

    He was a truly great man. He was the Father of the Nation, the maker of modern India, the architect of her freedom. It would be no exaggeration to say that if Gandhiji had not been born, India might not have been free today.

    India owes her freedom to Gandhi and Gandhi alone. He was one of those prophets who gives light to the world. He had influence on the lives of millions of persons born and yet to be born

    His was the unique weapon of non-violence. It is the greatest miracle that a great country like India won its freedom without firing a single shot or shedding a single drop of blood. He was one of those who change the course of history, who move and shake the world. He showed the path of peace to the world. His conquest was a conquest of the hearts of milions. He wanted to bring the kingdom of Heaven on earth. He believed in the great efficacy of prayer. He was a born optimist. He smiled and whistled under all difficulties.

    He was always as patient as a woman and as cheerful as a child. He smiled his way into the hearts of men. He fought untouchability in India. He uplifted the Harijans. He was the jealous sentinel of the interests of those dumb millions that live in the five and a half lakh villages of India. He preached and practiced plain living and high thinking.

    Men like Gandhi are immortal. They live in their deeds. His memory will live so long as India and the world live. The coming generations will cherish his memory with love and respect.

  • I had submitted an entry today afternoon-essay under the Expression series (class I to V). However I have not received any confirmation of the same on the email id given by me. How can I confirm that my entry has been accepted?

  • I want to post my poem on Mhatma Gandhi but I not able to as it is saying that link is disabled and you can try on 2nd october but it is today's date only then also i am not able to do it

  • Mahatma Gandhi
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born at porbandar in Gujarat ,on 2nd October ,1869. His father was the Diwan of Rajkot . For his higher studies ,went to England . After getting his degree of law , he returned to India . He was a kind and honest man .In South Africa , he fought for the rights of Indian people . He was one of the most active leaders who was freedom for India .He tried his best to remove poverty and untouchability . He found no difference between Hindus and Muslims . He fought against the British Govt . He resorted Satyagraha . He was the main leader to start the salt agitation at Dandi . Nathuram Godse , shot him dead on January 30 ,1948 . His last world was "hey ram " . He is called the "the father of nation "

  • I would like to thank cbse for conducting this type of competitions. This would help children in their studies by encouraging them.

  • I have submitted my essay twice but no conformation email still received . I hope I will receive it soon and no disqualification may take place because I submitted my essay twice. I did it to confirm my essay has been received by C.B.S.E . Hope I receive my conformation email soon

  • This competition was really helpful. CBSE should keep conducting these type of competitions because it helps the students to know more about the people. We came to know many things about MAHATMA GANDHI while preparing for this competition.

  • Mahatma Gandhi is well known as the “Father of the Nation or Bapu” because of his greatest contributions towards the independence of our country. He was the one who believed in the non-violence and unity of the people and brought spirituality in the Indian politics. He worked hard for the removal of the untouchability in the Indian society, upliftment of the backward classes in India, raised voice to develop villages for social development, inspired Indian people to use swadeshi goods and other social issues. He brought common people in front to participate in the national movement and inspired them to fight for their true freedom.
    He was one of the persons who converted people’s dream of independence into truth a day through his noble ideals and supreme sacrifices. He is still remembered between us for his great works and major virtues such as non-violence, truth, love and fraternity. He was not born as great but he made himself great through his hard struggles and works. He was highly influenced by the life of the King Harischandra from the play titled as Raja Harischandra. After his schooling, he completed his law degree from England and began his career as a lawyer. He faced many difficulties in his life but continued walking as a great leader.
    He started many mass movements like Non-cooperation movement in 1920, civil disobedience movement in 1930 and finally the Quit India Movement in 1942 all through the way of independence of India. After lots of struggles and works, independence of India was granted finally by the British Government. He was a very simple person who worked to remove the colour barrier and caste barrier. He also worked hard for removing the untouchability in the Indian society and named untouchables as “Harijan” means the people of God.
    He was a great social reformer and Indian freedom fighter who died a day after completing his aim of life. He inspired Indian people for the manual labour and said that arrange all the resource ownself for living a simple life and becoming self-dependent. He started weaving cotton clothes through the use of Charakha in order to avoid the use of videshi goods and promote the use of Swadeshi goods among Indians. He was a strong supporter of the agriculture and motivated people to do agriculture works. He was a spiritual man who brought spirituality to the Indian politics. He died in 1948 on 30th of January and his body was cremated at Raj Ghat, New Delhi. 30th of January is celebrated every year as the Martyr Day in India in order to pay homage to him.

    • Classes: 1st to 5th :
      Participants may submit Essay (250 words)/ Poem/ Drawing on:
      1. Ten best things I learnt from the life and actions of Mahatma Gandhi

      Classes: 6th to 8th :
      Participants may submit Essay (500 words)/ Poem/ Drawing on:
      1. Mahatma Gandhi and his education philosophy

      Classes: 9th to 12th :
      Participants may submit Essay (700 words)/ Poem/Drawing on: 1. Mahatma Gandhi: the apostle of peace and non-violence

  • Essay on Mahatma Gandhi and his educational philosophy
    Education, to Gandhiji, was a means to achieve perfection of individuality on the one hand and an instrument of service to the nation on the other. Thus, individual and social both the aims of education were considered by him equally important. “By education mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, and spirit”, he said.
    This in other words meant development of whole child, the whole personality of the child. Harmonious development of all the aspects of human personality such as physical, intellectual and spiritual was emphasized by him as an individual aim of education.
    Emphasizing the social aim of education he said that the individual has a responsibility to work for the welfare of the whole society. “Willing submission to social control and restrain for the sake of the well-being of the whole society” were considered by him important attitudes to be developed in the people through education.
    Good of the individual and good of the society were inter¬dependent. So education should be both for the child as well as for the state.
    Education, to Gandhi, was something more than literacy. Though he did not belittle the importance of vocational aim of education, self-realization and knowledge of the Ultimate, God was considered the ultimate aims of education.
    Emphasis on vocational aspect led him to say that education has to be self-supporting, a theory which culminated into his system of basic education.
    Cultural refinement of human personality through education was also considered important by Gandhiji. But, it was Indian culture that was emphasized by him. Culture, according to him was in quality of the soul which was reflected in all aspects of human behavior. For achieving this kind of cultural refinement he emphasized the study of the Geeta and the sacred books of all other religions.
    Gandhi attached much importance to character education and moral development of the child through education. This would mean to him development of such qualities in the individual as purity of personal life, self-restraint, and service of humanity, courage, strength of conviction, righteousness and sense of responsibility. The attitude of “Ahimsa”, non-violence was the supreme value to be developed in the people through education.
    The ultimate aim of education according to Gandhiji is the Self-Realization. All other aims are important as they lead to self- realization. Self-realization, to him, means realizing that the ultimate reality, the Truth is the universal soul, some unknown supreme power and that the man is only a spark of that which fuses with that supreme ultimately.
    The Curriculum
    Gandhiji considered elementary education the most important phase of the educational system. He, therefore, expressed his views only about the curriculum of primary stage curriculum. About this stage he said that intellectual development alone should not be emphasized.
    The curriculum should be so designed that it caters to the development of all the aspects of child personality. Physical, social, moral and spiritual development, too, are important.
    Hence, there should be provision in the curriculum for activities, experiences and subjects of knowledge that can help achieve these developments also.
    He, then, suggested making the curriculum activity centre by introducing teaching of some craft like spinning, weaving, handicraft, book craft, art, agriculture, and pottery etc., whichever is close to the child’s life in his environment. Besides, he recommended that mother tongue should be the medium of instruction at this stage.
    It was also suggested by him that mathematics, social studies, drawing and music should necessarily included in the curriculum. General science including biology, chemistry, physical science, hygiene, nature study, physical education and general knowledge of astronomy were also recommended to form the basis of the curriculum.
    He also suggested that upto class boys and girls should be subjected to the same curriculum. But, after that girls should be taught home science instead of general science.
    Method of Teaching
    Gandhiji once wrote in Young India (1921) that “schools and colleges should become almost, if not wholly, self-supporting”. He, then emphasized that teaching should be done through arts and crafts, work and play, voluntary activity and self-chosen activity.
    Gandhiji said that the method of teaching should be such as it provides to the child freedom, a chance to come into closer contact with the teacher, a chance to be an active investigator, observer and experimenter.
    Craft-centre teaching and correlation method may be said to be the most important ingredients of the educational method Gandhiji suggested. Correlation method would mean relating the knowledge, of each subject being taught to the craft on the one hand and to the child’s life on the other.
    Gandhi, emphatically, demanded that craft should be made the center of all education, centre of the school life. The idea, afterwards, found an expression to the Basic Education System which was introduced in all the states of the country.
    Some writers have tried to put labels on Gandhiji as a naturalist, an idealist and a pragmatist. In fact we find elements of all these three philosophies in his views on education. But, basically, he was an idealist.
    His emphasis was on character formation and spiritual development of the child. He himself lived a spiritual life and stood for higher values throughout his life. The good of the society, according to him, was contingent upon the goodness of each individual.
    The perfect and spiritually developed individuals alone ‘ could constitute an ideal society. So he emphasized that education should lead the individual to self-realization, realization of God and should develop in him attitudes of self-control, social service, ahimsa, sacrifice righteousness, brotherhood.
    These are all higher values like the idealistic he also emphasized that education should be used to cultivate these moral and spiritual values in the people.
    There are elements of naturalism and pragmatism too found in his educational philosophy. He considered the child an important element in the process of education and emphasized, like the naturalists, that education should conform to the nature of the child. The child should be allowed freedom.
    He should be taught in natural environment for “drawing out the best in the child”. Like the naturalists, he also said that education should aim at the development of all aspects of child’s personality.
    Activity, play, experimentation and own experience as the strategies of education were emphasized by Gandhiji also like, the naturalists. He also considered books as the means of imparting knowledge to young child unimportant. Thus, several ideas of naturalism are found expressed in Gandhiji’s educational philosophy also. Yet, it cannot be said that he was a naturalist only.
    Some elements of pragmatic philosophy may also be seen in Gandhiji’s educational philosophy. His emphasis on making education self-supporting and preparing individuals for vocation, craft-centered education, activity centre, teaching, learning through child’s own experience and experimentation, correlated teaching clearly brings him closer to the pragmatists.

  • Can I participate both like Essay and drawing?
    Whether I have to scan/photo of my drawing then upload? Please advise, how can I do?

  • I do not find the annexure II and how to participate? Suppose , I have prepared my essay in doc file, so to connect/attach with which link/site?

    • @Nishchal Prajapti:
      The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 08:00hrs in morning to 23:59 hrs in night on 2nd October, 2015.

  • Cbse should keep on conducting such type of competitions to encourage talent among students this will provide them a large platform to show their talent © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map