Vodafone Beat the Summer Contest 2017

Organisation : One97 Communications Ltd & Vodafone India Limited
Contest Name : Beat the Summer Contest 2017
Applicable For : Competition Pack Member(s) of Vodafone
Contest Last Date : 19th July 2017

Website : https://www.myvi.in/music-videos-and-more/competitions-tnc
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/22027-tnc.pdf
Contest Details : https://one97.com/contest/vodafone/index.html

Beat the Summer:

Dreams do come true..!! Your dream of driving your very own car can now come true! Just participate in Beat the Summer and get a chance to win Tata Hexa as bumper prize, Mahindra KUV as 1st Zonal level prize, Samsung Galaxy 4G Phones as 2nd circle level prize , Gold Voucher as 3rd circle level prize and Recharges as daily prize worth rupees ( 100 & 50).

Related : Vodafone Race To Win Gold & Car Competition : www.contest.net.in/21650.html

What are you waiting for then? If you really wish to play SuperPlay Competition , then run your fingers on your phone and dial 545450 (tollfree) right away!

Competition dates:
** Start Date: 21st April 2017
** End Date: 19th July 2017
** Duration: 90 days

** Bumper : Tata Hexa
** First: Mahindra KUV (Zonal)
** Second: Samsung Galaxy 4G Phones (Circle)
** Third: Gold Voucher (Circle)
** Daily: Recharges worth rupess 100 & 50 (Circle)

How to Subscribe:
** IVR: 545450 (tollfree)
** USSD: *545*1#
** SMS: ACT Sona to 111/144

How to Play:
** Dial 545450 (toll-free) and answer 6 simple questions every day.

How to Unsubscribe/Deactivate:
** Dial 545450(toll-free)
** SMS STOP to 155223
** Dial 155223(tollfree)

** Rs. 3 per Competition Day

Subscription Process to the Competition Pack :
a. The active Subscribers may either call 545450 (toll Free)
** Subscription to the Competition Pack is at Rs. 3 for 6 questions daily.

** As soon as a Competition Pack Member sends a subscription request:
– Through USSD (*545*1#) or SMS (ACT SONA to 199), he/she will receive an acknowledgement on his/her number registered with Vodafone India telling him/her that his/her subscription request has been received.
– Through Interactive Voice Response (“IVR”), a double subscription is required.

** Once the Competition Pack Member has been successfully subscribed through any of the above mentioned methods in clause 5 (a), he/she will get an SMS on his/her number registered with Vodafone India informing him/her about the current or upcoming competitions, prizes to be won and that the current Competition can be played at just Rs. 3/- or Rs 2/- or Re. 1/- per day, depending on the balance available on his/her number registered with Vodafone India.

** If the subscription is unsuccessful, the Competition Pack Member will be sent an appropriate SMS on his/her number registered with Vodafone India telling him/her to try again later.

** All Competition Pack Members will automatically be eligible to play and win prizes offered in all competitions launched as part of the Competition Pack, as will be detailed in the terms and conditions of that respective competition. The prizes offered under the competitions may vary from one competition to the next.

** All Competition Pack Members will be charged Rs. 3/- or Rs. 2/- or Re 1/- per day, depending on the balance available on his/her number registered with Vodafone India, on all Competition Period, irrespective of whether they participate in any competition or not, once they have successfully subscribed to the Competition Pack until the completion of the Competition Period or until they unsubscribe from the Competition Pack, whichever is earlier, unless the pricing has been revised for a particular competition or for all further competitions, in which case the price revision will be communicated in advance.

** If a Competition Pack Member wants to unsubscribe from this Competition Pack then it can be done by calling 545450 toll-free. Upon effective un-subscription, an SMS will be sent to the number of the Competition Pack Member registered with Vodafone India confirming the un-subscription from the Competition Pack.

** The Competition consists of a total of 540 questions (6 questions per day for 90 days) with 2 answer options each.
** Completion on USSD: Competition Pack Members can answer the question by sending 1 for 1st option or 2 for 2nd option, as a response to the questions.
** Competition on SMS: Competition Pack Members can answer the questions by sending ‘A’ for 1st option or ‘B’ for 2nd option, as a response to the questions on the number 545450.

** The Competition Pack Member is aware that SMS sent by the Competition Pack Member may not be received by One97 instantly due to various technical and other factors outside the control of the One97 such as network problems, system failure, etc. The Competition Pack Member agrees and undertakes not to raise disputes due to delay caused in receiving the SMS by One97 due to such reasons.

** The time at which the Competition Pack Member sent from his handset will not be considered even if there is a significant difference between the time of sending SMS and time of delivery of SMS. (Example – Competition Pack Member sent answer at 2 pm but it was received by One97 only at 3 pm. One97 will consider the time as 3 pm only).

** The Competition Pack Member undertakes not to challenge the selection process of highest scorer(s) in case of tie in the number of points scored, since the time at which the SMS was received by One97 will be considered for selecting the highest scorer.

** All Competition Pack Members will be sent regular SMS updates and details about the current and the upcoming competitions informing about the prizes and charges with the terms and conditions URL of the specific competition. The SMS will contain the method of unsubscribing from the Competition Pack, so that the Competition Pack Members are educated about the same.

** Competition Pack Members will not be charged any amount on non-competition days (after the end of one competition, and before the start of the next competition).

b. A Competition Pack Member can subscribe and unsubscribe to the Competition Pack multiple times- i.e. if he/she unsubscribe from the Competition Pack, he/she can subscribe it again, at any time, if he/she wishes to do so during the validity of the Competition Pack. Upon each fresh subscription/ re-subscription, the Competition Pack Member will be charged again.

All Competition Pack Members will be sent SMS on their numbers registered with Vodafone India before the launch of a Competition, informing them about the upcoming competition.

c. Please note that participating or playing this Competition is optional for the Competition Pack Members, however, from the date of commencement of this Competition till the end of the Competition or un-subscription from the Competition Pack, whichever is earlier, the Competition Pack Members will be charged in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:07 PM

Categories: Vodafone
Tags: vodafone.in

View Comments (20)

  • I received SMS on 23/03/2018 at 5.22PM regarding I am Winner of Vodafone Race Competition (Cool Summer Bonanza Competition). As advised by SMS, I have mailed all documents as address proof PAN copy AADHAAR, passport size photo through email to [winners AT one 97.net] on 23/03/2018 but I haven't heard anything from team regarding prize. Please do the needful.

  • Please tell me, When will you announce the winner of Beat The Summer Competition officially.

  • I would like to know, when will the winners of Beat the summer contest announce? It is almost 10 months since the contest.

  • I scored 5117 points out of 23 questions in Beat The Summer Competition. When will you announce the winners?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Post selection of Winners the results will be uploaded on one97.com/contest/SJ. One97 shall also make 5 consecutive attempts to contact Winners over call to inform about the prizes and further process of claiming the prizes. The Winner will have to claim prize and submit the documents (required documents mentioned below) within 30 days when One97 uploads the results on website.

    • When the winner is decided, the result will be announced. Keep checking the official site for results.

  • It is two and half months since the contest was over on 19th July. Why are you taking so long to declare the result? Please reply.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      One Grand Prize Winner shall be selected from Pan India on fulfilling the Winner selection criteria after completion of the Competition. There will be 1 Grand Prize Winner in this Competition.

  • It has been more than one and half month of closure of this competition but still no information about winners. Please provide some information on list of winners.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Post selection of Winners the results will be uploaded on one97.com/contest/SJ.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      The list of Winners of all prizes will be announced after the end of the Competition and after all the Winner selection processes are completed. The list of the Winners of the prizes will be published on one97.com/contest/SJ/ and vodafone.in (“Website”) after the end of the Competition and after all the Winner selection process are completed.

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