Idea Cellular Meet & Greet Punjab Kings XI Team On Recharge Rs.348 Offer 2017 Haryana :

Organisation : Idea Cellular Limited
Offer Name : Meet & Greet Punjab Kings XI Team On Recharge Rs.348 Offer 2017
Applicable For : Prepaid Idea Subscribers
Applicable States/UTs : Haryana
Offer Valid Till : 3rd May 2017

Website :

Meet & Greet On Recharge Rs.348:

Offer eriod commencing from 23rd April 2017 00:00:01 hrs. till 3rd May 2017 23:59:59 hrs.

Related : Idea Flipkart Get 10GB @ Rs.191 Exclusive Offer :

Eligibility to participate in the Offer:
** This Offer is open and valid for all active and existing pre-paid Subscribers of Idea.
** Subscriber must be 18 years of age or above.
** He/she must be a citizen of India.
** He/she must not have been either prosecuted or convicted for any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind and has a firm contractual capacity.
** Subscriber must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by Court Order etc.
** Subscriber must be an active prepaid subscriber or customer of Idea during the announcement or selection of winner.
** Subscribers must belong to the Circle mentioned hereinabove.
** The Contest is not open for employees and their relatives, distributors, franchisees, agents and suppliers of IDEA.

Procedure to participate in the Offer:
** Subscriber has to recharge with Rs348: Unlimited Local/STD Calls for 28 Days on the period of 23rd April to 2th May’17 to be eligible for gratification.
** All subscriber(s) who will recharge on offer contest period 23rd April to 3rd May are eligible.

Winner Selection:
For Daily gratification:-
** Daily random 1 subscribers will be select for the winner from daily recharge customer base of Rs348.
** The winners will be informed within 72 hrs.

Idea Cellular Limited to select Daily winner among Rs.348/- recharges.

** Daily 1 winner will be select during offer period (23rd April’17 to 3rd May’17) and he/she will get the opportunity to meet Kings XI Punjab IPL team at Chandigarh/Mohali.
** IDEA will not be responsible for any loss, damage, claimed/demanded by the subscribers due to any of the following reasons:-
** Subscriber is unable to understand the terms and conditions of the Contest
** Subscriber is unable to understand the process of participation or is unable to participate in the Contest;
** Subscriber is declared as a winner and but the age of the subscriber is less than 18 years or is incompetent to enter into a contract;
** Any other reason, event, error or incidence not within the control of IDEA

Apart from the entitlement to the above gratification, the winner/s or their legal heirs will have no other rights or claims against IDEA.

** Idea Cellular Limited reserves the right to extend, cancel, discontinue, prematurely withdraw, change, alter or modify this offer or any part thereof including the eligibility criteria, the Terms & Conditions and gratifications at their sole discretion anytime during its validity as may be required in view of business exigencies and/or changes by regulatory authority and/or statutory changes and the same shall be binding on the Subscriber.

** Further, the Winner will be the original Subscriber of the winning mobile phone number (MSISDN). If the winner is not able to provide sufficient evidence to show that he/she is the original subscriber of the mobile number, Idea Cellular Limited reserves the right to reject the said winner and consider the next eligible Subscriber for the Gratification or to forfeit the Gratification, at its sole discretion.

8. At the end of the offer period and after the declaration of the winner by Idea cellular Ltd. The winner shall make its own arrangement to travel to venue of meeting as communicated by Idea. Idea shall not be responsible for the travel / stay arrangements and/or any cost incurred by any of the winner for the meeting to Kings XI Team.

** The winner of Gratification understand and agree that acceptance of the Gratification by the winner, constitute grant permission to Idea to click photographs of the winner and use the winner’s name and photographs preferences (likes and dislikes), voice and comments for advertising and promotional purposes in any media worldwide, only for the purpose of advertising and trade without any additional compensation whatsoever to the winner.

** The contestants understand and agree that the gratification under the offer is neither assignable nor transferable under any circumstances. The Gratification shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as may be applicable to specific Gratification and shall have to be duly complied with by the successful winner.

** It is understood and agreed by the Subscribers that mere participation to this Offer during the Offer Period, does not entitle the Subscriber/s to claim the Gratification. He /she should be a selected/ declared by Idea Cellular Limited in conformity with the terms herein, to claim the Gratification(s) mentioned above.

** By participating in the Offer, the Subscriber hereby further understands and agrees that Idea Cellular Limited shall at its sole discretion be responsible for inter-alia the selection of the participants and delivery of the Gratification at the mentioned venue of the choice of Idea Cellular Limited.

The decision of Idea Cellular Limited in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Subscriber.

** For the purpose of clarification and avoidance of doubt, Gratification does not include any personal expenses of the shortlisted Subscriber and the shortlisted Subscriber shall be responsible for any additional, incidental expenses required to be incurred to avail the Gratification.

** The winning Subscriber, by acceptance of the gratification, hereby understands and gives his/ her irrevocable consent for personal information relating to such Subscriber to be exchanged with Idea Cellular Limited and /or its Vendor(s) or published and/or communicated to/in any media that it may deem fit, and the Idea Cellular Limited may, at their sole discretion may choose to publish or disclose the name(s), phone number(s) and score(s) of all participants, if required.

** The Gratification under the Offer is neither assignable nor transferable under any circumstances. There will be no cash alternative. Idea Cellular Limited reserves the right to alter the Gratifications at any time.

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