Vodafone Make Most Of Now Contest 2017

Organisation : Vodafone India
Contest Name : Make Most Of Now Contest 2017 (#MakeMostOfNow)
Applicable For : Vodafone Subscribers
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India (Except Tamil Nadu & Jammu & Kashmir)
Contest Last Date : 28th April 2017

Website : https://www.myvi.in/music-videos-and-more/competitions-tnc
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/22186-contest.pdf

#MakeMostOfNow Contest:

To participate in this contest the participant needs to ‘answer the question – what will the couple be doing next’ in comments/replies on our Facebook post/Tweet using #MakeMostOfNow.

Related : Vodafone Cool Summer Bonanza Contest : www.contest.net.in/22030.html

Competition dates:
Start Date: 28th April 2017
End Date: 28th April 2017

Contest Area:
a. The Contest is valid in across all telecom circles of Vodafone India except
Chennai circle, Tamil Nadu circle and Jammu & Kashmir circle.

b. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the operation of or participation in the Competition is prohibited in any State and/or territory or part thereof as per applicable law, the Subscribers from such State and/or territory or part thereof shall not be eligible to subscribe to or participate in the Competition. No further notice shall be given by Vodafone India in this regard.

“Eligible Subscriber” shall mean an Active Subscriber of Vodafone India. An Eligible Subscriber must satisfy the following criteria at the time of participation and during continuation of Offer
i. He/she must be of at least 18 years of age;
ii. He/she must be a resident of India;
iii. He/she must be an Active Subscriber of Vodafone India;
iv. He/she must belong to any of the telecom service areas mentioned below;
v. He/she must not be of an unsound mind; and
vi. He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court orders etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.
vii. He/she must not have been subject of any criminal proceeding;

Contest Process:
a. To participate in this contest, the Participant needs to ‘reply to the question available at FB post/tweet/Instagram update on Facebook Page Vodafone Zoozoo / twitter handle VodafoneIN/instagram account vodafoneindia with the correct answers using #MakeMostOfNow’.

Prizes & Winner Selection Process:
a. Best 3 responses / entries will get to win INOX vouchers.
b. Vodafone India reserves the right to change the awards to be awarded to the winners.
c. The selection of the Winners will be at the discretion of Vodafone
d. Winner will be decided basis above mentioned method by Vodafone India. By participating in the Contest the Participant agrees to be bound by the winner selection process adopted by Vodafone India & shall not raise any dispute in this regard in any manner whatsoever.
e. The Winner of the Contest will be notified on the official Vodafone Facebook page, Vodafone India Twitter handle, Vodafone Instagram account.
f. Prizes will be delivered against production of valid documents evidencing identity of Winners;
g. By participating in the Contest the Participant merely becomes eligible to win an award.
h. No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:07 PM

Categories: Vodafone
Tags: vodafone.in
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