Usha MI Top Chef Contest 2017 :

Organisation : Usha International Limited
Contest Name : Usha MI Top Chef Contest 2017 (#UshaMITopChef)
Contest Last Date : 21st May 2017

Website :

#UshaMITopChef Contest:

This Contest is organized by Usha International Limited (the “Company”).

Related : Metro Indian Super Saver League Contest 2017 :

Watch the Video & Answer the Question.

Watch The Video

Step-2 :
Guess MI’s Top Chef Featured In The Video

The registration details to be submitted by the participant s are as follows:
** Name
** Mobile
** Email Address
** City

Entries will be accepted online starting on 3rd May 2017, at 09:00 hour, IST and ending 21st May 2017, at 18:00 hour, IST. All online entries must be received by 21st May 2017 at 18:00Hour, IST.

Selection process:
All entries received will be thoroughly screened and winners will be selected by lucky draw.

** 11 fans will win tickets to the Mumbai Indians match in Mumbai on 11 May ’17
** 100 fans will stand a chance to win “Usha- Mumbai Indiana ” T-shirts (MI Usha Merchandise)
** 50 fans will stand a chance to receive Mumbai Indians signed miniature bats

What’s Up For Grabs?:
** A team of 11 fans will win tickets to the MI match in Mumbai on 11 May ’17 Click for Team 11 Winners
** 100 fans will stand a chance to win “Usha-MI” T-shirts (MI Usha Merchandise)
** 50 fans will stand a chance to receive MI signed miniature bats
** Winners for match tickets will be declared by 6th May
** Winners for T-shirts & Miniature Bats will be declared by 29th May.
** Contest ends on 5 May for Match Tickets & 21 May for MI Usha Merchandise

Contest Duration:
3rd May 2017 to 21st May 2017. This will be an online contest. Th participant(s) desirous of participating in the Contest must register themselves first, by complying with all the requirements herein and as mentioned in the Website.

The participant must fulfill all specified requirements for valid registration and to be eligible to win a prize. The participant(s) desirous of participating in the Contest shall submit/upload the answers completely within the Contest Period. The participant must provide the information as mentioned on the website.

Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Company. The participant can enter only one entry and shall not enter more times than indicated by using multiple email addresses, identities, or devices in an attempt to circumvent the rules.

If participant use fraudulent methods or otherwise attempt to circumvent the rules, the submission may be removed from eligibility at the sole discretion of the Company.

It is the sole responsibility of the participant to provide the correct contact details / information. Images shown in various advertisements in relation to the product (prize) are for illustration purpose only and actual prize may vary in colour, size and graphics.

In the event of any violation to the aforementioned or in case it comes to the knowledge of the Company that the details submitted by the participant are not correct, the participant shall immediately be disqualified from being considered to be a participant for the Consent.

The Company assumes no responsibility for any error / deletion /delay in transmission or communications or line-failure or unauthorized access to or alteration of entries or any defective. Any discrepancy or shortcoming in the information provided shall render the registration as rejected.

The participant hereby agrees and acknowledges that mere participation in the Contest will not entitle the participant to the reward. The participant acknowledges that participant has voluntarily chosen to participate in the Contest at his/her free-will.

By participating in the contest, the participant has accepted all the rules and regulations set forth herein and shall be deemed to have given consent. This Contest shall be void in such part of India where it is prohibited or restricted by law.

The contest is open to all the participants who are citizen of India and nominee above ages 18 years as on 31st March 2017. By participating, the participants agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these terms and conditions specified herein.

In the event of any violation to the aforementioned terms, the participant shall be disqualified from the Contest, immediately, without any prior notice of the same to the participant and shall be liable for consequences and losses suffered by the Company.

The Company reserves the right to change/ modify terms and conditions and/ or criteria of the Contest, at any time at their own discretion and without any prior notice and without assigning any reason. The decision of the Company in connection with the selection process will be final and binding and is non contestable.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 2:20 PM

Categories: Cricket/Fans

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    • Contest Duration:
      3rd May 2017 to 21st May 2017.

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