CBSE 2017-18 Inter-School Sports & Games Competitions :

Organisation : Central Board of Secondary Education
Contest Name : CBSE Inter-School Sports and Games Competitions 2017-18
Applicable For : CBSE Students
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Website :
Register Here : cbsesports [dot] in
Notification :

Inter-School Sports Competitions :

Participation in sports gives children a practical way to learn about goal-setting, importance of team work, discipline and skills required to deal with real life situations of ups and down.

Related / Similar Contest : CBSE Inter School Sports 2018-19

Board has been conducting sports events for the schools affiliated under independent category at Cluster / Zonal and National level every year. Presently, sports and games competition are held in 24 disciplines in various age groups.

Commencing from 2017-18, we are introducing online system for inviting proposals for hosting sports events and for applying to participate in sports events.

Accordingly, the following may be noted:
1. Online Proposal by Schools for Organizing Sports Event:
Schools wishing to host any of the competitions at Cluster/ Zonal or National Level in any of the disciplines for either boys/girls category or both, may apply online through web-portal between the period 01.06.2017 to 15.06.2017 under link “Apply to Organize”.

They may use the same Username and Password used by them for LOC Submission for class X/XII Examination. Schools must ensure that they have facilities befitting to hold the sports events. Offline entry shall NOT be accepted.

2. Online Registration of Players for participation in sports events :
Schools intending to sponsor their students/ team for participation in CBSE sports events may register their students/ team online by filling the on-line form available at under link “Register Student” and “Apply to Participate”.  The schools may use the same Username and Password as mentioned in point no.1 above. Offline entry shall NOT be accepted.

3. Schedule of Activities:
** Online Proposal by Schools for Organizing Sports Events at Cluster/ Zone/ National level-01.06.2017 to 15.06.2017
** Display of Sports Calendar 2017-18 on CBSE website -July-End
** Online Registration of Students to participate in various sports events at Cluster / Zone/ National level-01.08.2017 to 16.08.2017
** Online Result uploading by the Venue Schools on CBSE web-portal under link ‘Upload Results’
** Within 24 Hours of the conduct of event / preferably immediately

4. List of Games, Age Groups and Clusters/ Regions:
The listed 24 games, Age groups at Cluster/ Zonal and National level are given in Annexure-A & B respectively

5. Grants:
Board provides grant to school for organizing sports events. (Rs.2,00,000/- for Cluster/ Zone level and Rs.3,00,000/- for National level). Sports equipment such as shuttle-cock, tennis ball, football, volleyball and basketball etc. will be arranged by the host schools.

They may purchase/hire equipment at their own and meet expenditure out of CBSE grant. No extra payment will be given by CBSE.

6. Annual Sports Fee:
Independent Private Schools are required to remit Rs.10,000/- as Annual Sports Fee at the time of depositing registration fee with LOC (List of Candidates). No other mode like Cheque/DD shall be accepted in this regard. The fee should not be sent to Sports-Cell, CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi in any case.

All Independent category of private schools affiliated to the Board are requested to take note of the above and participate accordingly in sports competitions.

Schools may contact Dr. Manjit Singh, Deputy Director at for any further query

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

View Comments (19)

    • Online Registration of Students to participate in various sports events at Cluster / Zone/ National level-01.08.2017 to 16.08.2017

  • I am student of Shandilya public school, Varanasi from class 12. I am a player of badminton. So, I want to play in zonal level but my school does not support me. Please talk to my school management for these problems. In my school no one take seriously about that.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Sport/ Game : Kabaddi
      Level (Cluster) : Cluster I
      Name & Address of School :
      Affiliation No.230106
      Hindustani Kendriya Vidyalaya
      NH-37, Laipuli, Tinsukia, Assam-786125
      Contact: 9435134379
      Email: hkvtinsukia [AT]
      Event Dates :
      24.09.2017 -

    • Display of CBSE Sports Calendar 2017-18 on CBSE Sports website - 10th August 2017
      Keep watching the official website of CBSE for further updates.

  • The website showed date of today but still it's written that the link will open on August 1,2017. When can I expect to be opened?

  • Its been 31st of July and there is no display of sports calendar of cluster yet. Please display it asap.!

  • I am very much interested to play table tennis from my school. Me and my 3 friends are going to play table tennis in other school. Now we want to play cluster table tennis tournament 2017-2018. When will tournament be held? Please inform me. How can I get the forms? I am studying in St Peter Sr secondary school.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      All the details regarding "CBSE sports and Physical education Games" are available under the INFORMATION ON SPORTS section.

    • Online Registration of Players for participation in sports events :
      Schools intending to sponsor their students/ team for participation in CBSE sports events may register their students/ team online by filling the on-line form available at under link “Register Student” and “Apply to Participate”. The schools may use the same Username and Password as mentioned in point no.1 above. Offline entry shall NOT be accepted.

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