Pune ICAI Elocution Contest For CA Students 2017-18 : puneicai.org

Organisation : Pune Branch Of WIRC Of ICAI
Contest Name : Elocution Contest For CA Students 2017-18
Applicable For : CA Students
Contest Date : Sunday 28th May, 2017
Website : http://puneicai.org/
Registration Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/22952-Contest.pdf

Elocution Contest :

Elocution Contest For CA Students, 2017-18. Date of Elocution Contest: Sunday 28th May, 2017

Related : ICAI All India Elocution & Quiz Contest 2016-17 : www.contest.net.in/18137.html

Topics for Branch Level Elocution Contest, 2017-18:
1. Public Private Partnership (PPP): A solution to many problems.
2. Ways of improving India’s Rank in Ease of doing Business.
3. Is Indian Media misusing its freedom of Expression**
4. Effects of Replacement of Textbooks with I-Pads or e-learning modules.
5. How technology has transformed auditing.

Note :
** Students registered with the Institute for Final Course undergoing articles/audit training, Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course are eligible to participate in the contest.
** Thus, students who have completed articles/audit training are not eligible to participate.
** However, a Contestant who has won the Contest at the Branch Level and later passes the Final examination and also completed articled training shall be eligible to participate in the Regional and All India Level Contests.
** Forms for Branch Level Elocution Contest shall be accepted maximum one hour before the commencement of the contest and each contestant has to submit the topic on which he / she will be speaking, out of the list of topics, at least half an hour before the commencement of the contest.
** Each contestant will be given twelve minutes time – a warning bell will ring at the end of the tenth minute, signaling the contestant to conclude the discussion in another two minutes
** The medium would be English. However, if any participant wants to speak in Hinglish, he/ she shall be permitted
** Two winners will be selected from the Branch level & these winners will further represent the Branch for Regional Level organised on 11th June 2017 at ICAI Tower, BKC, Mumbai.
** Further, four winners from Regional Level shall represent the Region in the National Talent Hunt organised by Board of Studies (BOS) on 15th July, 2017.
** National Talent Hunt will be a National level Elocution contest and will be a live event, covered by National Newspapers and Media.
** The 1st three winners of National Talent Hunt would be awarded the cash prizes of Rs. 31,000/-, Rs. 21,000/- and Rs. 11,000/- respectively and 1st two winners will participate in SAFA Elocution Contest.

The following criteria may be taken into account while evaluating the performance of the participants :
1. Lucidity of language 10 marks
2. Style of delivery 10 marks
3. Capacity to engage the attention of the audience 10 marks
4. Precision of expression 10 marks
5. Depth of coverage of the subject matter including reference to latest developments in the concerned area* 50 marks
6. Adherence to time limit 10 marks
Total 100 marks
*As against point No. 5, 20 marks are allotted to power point presentation and 10 marks for the ability of the contestant to respond to the questions posed to him.

Contact :
For details contact: Darshana Jain +91 8552 995 333.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 4:43 PM

Categories: Elocution/Debate
Tags: puneicai.org
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