ICAI National Talent Hunt Elocution Contest 2017 : sircoficai.org

Organisation : ICAI
Contest Name : National Talent Hunt Elocution Contest 2017
Website : http://www.sircoficai.org/
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/22956-Level.pdf

National Talent Hunt :

National Talent Hunt will be a National level Elocution contest and will be a live event, covered by National Newspapers and Media. Four winners from each Region level will contest at the National Level.

Related : Pune ICAI Elocution Contest For CA Students 2017-18 : www.contest.net.in/22952.html

The 1st three winners of National Hunt would be awarded the cash prizes of Rs. 31,000/-, Rs.21,000/- and Rs. 11,000/- respectively and 1st two winners will participate in SAFA Elocution Contest.

Structure of the Contest:
** The search of talented students for National Talent Hunt will be in 3 stages starting from the branches of ICAI.
** At first level, it will be organized at the Branches and the shortlisted students would be invited to contest at Regional level to be held at all 5 Regions and finally the 1st 20 winners (4 winners from each Region) of Regional level will contest in the National Talent Hunt.
** The talent of these 20 winners will be well appreciated by giving nationwide publicity such as publishing their photographs in National Newspaper/magazine making them our media partner.
** These final contestants would also be invited 4-5 days prior to the event and be groomed in various aspects so that they can perform and showcase their talent well during the final Contest.
** The first round of National Talent i.e at Branch level will be conducted in May 2017. SIRC of ICAI will be conducting the Branch level on Wednesday, 31st May 2017 at ICAI Bhawan, Chennai from 9.30 onwards.
** The second round i.e at Regional level, the 1st winner of Branch level would contest at the Regional Level.
** The Regional Level contest for the Southern Region will be communicated to the 1st winner of each branch falling under the Southern Region.
** The Final contest would take place in the month of July.
** In the Final level, there would be three rounds. In first round, 10 contestants will be eliminated and 5 contestants will be eliminated in second round and in the third and final round 5 winners will be declared.

Students’ Eligibility:
Students registered for Final Course and are undergoing articleship and students registered for Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course are eligible to participate in the National Talent Hunt.

Thus, students who have completed articleship are not eligible to participate. However, a Contestant who has won the Contest at the Branch Level and later passes the Final examination/ completed articleship shall be eligible to participate in the Regional level and in Final level of National Talent Hunt.

Medium of Elocution contest:
The medium would be English. However, if any participant wants to speak in Hinglish, the option may be given.

Topics for Branch Level Contest conducted by SIRC of ICAI:
The contestant can choose any topic (s) from the list but while choosing the topic, they need to bear in mind that they are thorough in that topic as they will be cross questioned to which they should be able to answer.

1. Effects of Replacement of textbooks with Ipads or elearning Modules.
2. Ways of improving India’s Rank in Ease of Doing Business.
3. How technology has transformed auditing.
4. Roadmap for implementation of Ind AS by different regulatory bodies.
5. Schedule II and III: A shift towards better accounting and reporting.
6. Impact of ‘Make in India’ and ‘Digital India’ in the tech world.
7. Integrated reporting leading to better governance.
8. Recent initiatives of Government on good Governance.

Duration to each contestant:
Each contestant will be given twelve minutes time – a warning bell will ring at the end of the tenth minute, signaling the contestant to conclude the discussion in another two minutes.

Duration of the event:
If the number of contestants is more and cannot be completed in one day, the Contest could be held for two days also.

This post was last modified on July 30, 2021 1:51 PM

Categories: Elocution/Debate
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