Motion Talent Search Examination 2015

Organisation : Motion Education Pvt. Ltd.
Announcement : MTSE 2015-16 Motion Talent Search Examination

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Motion Talent Search Examination is a unique way in itself to pool the most talented students of country and groom them to pave the way to success.

Update :
Motion Education MTSE 2016-17 Talent Search Exam :

It is conducted in three rounds where scrutnization of students is done on the basis of their merit purely.

It started in the year 2011-12 where 52732 students appeared and in last year (2014-2015) 126256 students appeared for the first round of MTSE, of which 12603 students were screened for the Round-2 and for Round-3 ,168 students across the nation were scrutinized.

The Winner Sourav Yadav was awarded with 1 Lac rupees and prizes & scholarships worth Rs 7 Crore were distributed.

Our Aim :
The main aim to conduct this exam is to nurture the young minds and make them ready to fight in the competitive world.
Motion offers exciting scholarships and prizes worth Rs 1Crore to foster the enthusiasm of the students willing to outshine in the competitive tests like JEE

Benefits for the students:
MTSE provides the students with an exposure of how the competitive exams are held. It gives a brief idea about the level of papers and the amount of efforts required to excel in the competition.
It gives students a fair platform to showcase their talent and win exciting prizes and also bag scholarships to fund the test preparation for JEE.

Motion Talent Search Exam Details :

1. Test will be conducted in the school premises only.
2. Duration of the test will be 1 hr in Level – I
3. There is a negative marking in the test. For every incorrect answer 1 mark will be deducted.

The Benefits of conducting MTSE:
1. Appearing in MTSE will help to boost the confidence of the students for competitive exam.
2. It provides a great platform for students to analyze themselves and gear up for future.

3. MTSE will be conducted on similar pattern as JEE Main & Advanced therefore from a school prospective you will be able to search the brilliant students of your school and guide them to the right direction and these brilliant students will always improve the brand name of your institution.

4. Proper guidance is required to polish these brilliant students MTSE will help you to search them and Motion will support you to groom them.
5. A successful student from your school will inspire more as a role model and will improve results which in turn improve the brand image of the institution.
6. Ultimately it is a win-win situation for all the three – Student, School and MOTION.

School Principals who are willing to come forward with their students to write MTSE 2015-16 can fill in the below given form. For more information call +180030702299

Contact us :
Motion Education Pvt. Ltd.
Kota (Corporate Office): 394 -Rajeev Gandhi Nagar,
Kota (Raj.) India 324005
Phone: 91-744-2209671
Mob: +91-93141-87482

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 4:15 PM

Categories: Talent Search Exam

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