Eduheal Foundation National Cyber Olympiad 2017 :

Organization : Eduheal Foundation
Olympiad Name : National Cyber Olympiad 2017
Applicable For : Students studying in class 1 to 12
Registration Last Date : 15th Aug 2017 or 30 Days Before Exam
Exam Date : Sep 6, 2017
Website :
Students Registration Form :
School Registration Form :

National Cyber Olympiad :

In today’s world, computer literacy is a must and computer education should begin at an early age. With this vision EHF is conducting the International Cyber Olympiad (ICO) promises to make computer learning fun by introducing olympiads, Cyber Smart Activity Books, workshop, seminars and annual cyber smart e-newspaper.

Update :  EduHeal Foundation EHF ICO International Cyber Olympiad 2019 :

Eligibility :
CBSE/ICSE/ State Boards and NIOS students studying in class 1to12 are eligible to appear.

Level 1: City/State
Besides NCF, CBSE, ICSE, State and IB Syllabus will be followed.To be conducted in your school. Syllabus guidelines , sample questions for each class are being sent upon registration. Pen paper (OMR) based multiple choice questions.Student should correctly fill in all columns of OMR .

Incorrect or incomplete information may lead to disqualification of the student from being ranked. Sample OMR sheet is available on EHF Website.

Level 2: National
Selected students – Successful school toppers* will participate in an online/ computer based test to be conducted at exam centres all over India in Feburary These tests will have interactive questions. The Syllabus will be same as was in level-1.

Level 3: International
Feb. onwards, level 2 toppers+ will be selected for International Olympiad training camps (IOTC) which will mentor these toppers for project based competitions conducted by Google Science Fair. EHF is the educational partner for GSF. IOTC will be mentored by top scientists from IIT, Delhi. Topper of Maths , Science and cyber in Level-2 WIll be invited for IOTC.There is no fees for Level-3

Criteria For Level 2 Selection :
1. Minimum 8 students/class should successfully participate in the given olympiad.
2. The above criteria is relaxed in cases where the student has scored 100% marks or is in the top 1 %

Admit Cards :
Admit cards will be uploaded on our website before level 2 exam.They will also be emailed on the email ID registered with EHF

Prizes :
Prizes worth 50 lakhs will be awarded to participating students, teachers and principals for promoting cyber creativity.

Last Date:
The last date to register is 15th Aug./30 day before the exam.

About us :
EduHeal Foundation(EHF) is a registered NGO promoted by leading educationists, corporate heads and media doyens. EHF is actively engaged in searching talented school students by reaching out to 4000 schools.

McKinsey report sums up the GO GLOBAL initiative of EHF necessating the need for training camps for international contests with more than 60 prizes of at least $ 250 million at stake. EHF is the official Indian partner of Google and is spearheading the Google Science Fair initiative into Indian schools. Also it has partnered with Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute for promoting financial literacy.

Contact us :
EHF, 103, Taj Apartment,
Ring Road, Near AIIMS Metro Station,
New Delhi – 110029

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