My City My Dream Contest 2015 : Bhubaneswar Smart City

Organization : Bhubaneswar Smart City
Competition Name : My City My Dream Contest 2015
Competition Last Date : 5th October 2015

Website :

My City My Dream Contest 2015:

Let us come together and create a Smart City Vision to make Bhubaneswar a sustainable, inclusive and livable place. A vision shapes and calls for a preferred future for the city. It has economic, spatial, social and environmental dimensions that reflect a city’s unique physical and cultural character and it provides direction for the activities of the municipality, citizens and other stakeholders.

The Vision Statement should not have more than 50 words and should capture the wider hopes and aspirations of the citizens of Bhubaneswar. It should be inclusive, forward thinking and timeless.

The vision statement should be :
** Understood and shared by members of the community.
** Broad enough to include a diverse variety of local perspectives.
** Inspiring and uplifting for everyone involved in your effort.
** Timeless and not dependent on leaders.
** Easy to communicate.

Key Dates:

** Launch Date of Contest : 26th September 2015
** Last Date to Submit Entries : 5th October 2015
** Announcement of Winners : 8th October 2015

1st Prize: Rs.11,000
Runner-Up: Rs. 5,100

Selection Process:

** Submitted vision statements will be voted for through citizens on the Bhubaneswar Smart City Website.
** The 10 statements with the maximum votes will be nominated to the final selection round.
** An appointed jury will select the winners (first and second place).
** The shortlisted contestants will be contacted through their email ids provided.
** Winners and shortlisted logos will be placed on the Bhubaneswar Smart City Website.


** Your vision statement should be unique and should be based upon relevant facts and figures.
** The appointed jury will nominate the winning ideas.
** The contestant need not necessarily be a citizen of Bhubaneswar to be a part of the contest.
** This contest is open for all i.e. citizens, individuals or a professional.
** There must be no issues of copyright in your vision statement.

The winning vision statement will not automatically become the final Bhubaneswar Smart City vision statement. Modifications to the winning vision statement may be done in order to arrive at the final Bhubaneswar Smart City vision.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2021 3:52 PM

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