Kashmir University PAYAM-e-RAMADHAN Competitions 2017 : kashmiruniversity.net

Organisation : University of Kashmir
Contest Name : PAYAM-e-RAMADHAN Competitions 2017
Registration Last Date : 12th June, 2017
Competition Dates : 15th to 20th June, 2017
Website : http://www.kashmiruniversity.net/
Registration Form : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/23265-Terms.pdf


As we all know that the Ninth Month of the Islamic Calendar “Ramadan” is the most meritorious Month of the whole year.

Related : University of Kashmir 2017 Speech Contest : www.contest.net.in/22434.html

On the eve of this sacred Month, the Division of Youth Affairs, Department of Students Welfare, University of Kashmir is organising a 5- Day Festival, “Payam-e-Ramadhan” in Gandhi Bhawan, from 15th to 20th June, 2017.

The festival comprises of the following events:
1. Husn-e-Naat Competition 15th June 2017 at 10 a.m.
2.Husn-e-Qirat Competition16rd June 2017 at 10 a.m.
3. Husn-e-Azan Competition 17th June 2017 at 10 a.m.
4.Islamic Calligraphy Competition19th June 2017 at 10 a.m.
5. V Valedictory cum prize distribution function 20th June 2017 at 10 a.m.

The purpose of this competition is to provide students an opportunity to share their passion for Islam and the Qur’an through their Qiraat, Azaan, Naat and art of Calligraphy. The participants will compete with each other with positive attitude and will bring a sense of unity and appreciation for one another.

This competition will also provide the participants and Educational Institutions a platform to build strong connections and promote collaboration.  The competition is open to the Universities, Colleges and Hr. Secondary Schools of Kashmir Division including the Satellite Campuses of University of Kashmir.

We extend our humble invitation to your Institution and request to nominate one best student of your Department / Institution / College /School in each category to participate in the said competition.

The Registration Form and rules & regulations of the competitions are enclosed herewith at Annexure-I and Annexure-II respectively. The Registration Form, duly attested by Head of the participating Institution, should reach to Department of Students Welfare, University of Kashmir, by or before the last date, i.e, 12th June, 2017.

You can also email the Registration Form to dsw@uok.edu.in and cc to shahidkhandsw@gmail.com by or before the last date. For further information and quires, please feel free to call Mr. Shahid Ali Khan, Cultural Officer, University of Kashmir at 9419087200

(Date of competition 15th June 2017 at 10:00 a.m)
1. Any Naat can be presented by participants (but care should be taken that the recitation of chosen Naat must be in Urdu / Kashmiri / Arabic.)
2. Naat should not be based on musical lyrics or its tune should not be matching any song.
3. Participants will be given a fixed time (approx. 4-5 minutes to each participant).
4. If the participants fail to finish in the dedicated time limit, there will be negative marking.
5. A bell will be rung after the first four minutes indicating that the participant should wind up his / her task and another bell will be rung after 5 minutes after which participant will have to conclude his her presentation.
Generally, marking criteria will be based on following:
a) Lyrics
b) Talaffuz or pronunciation
c) Confidence in delivery;
d) Beautification in voice and tone;
e) Overall delivery
6. It is a solo event. You cannot work in a team of 2 or more. 7. Slots are limited so be sure to register early
8. Students must stay at the venue until the end of event in order to be counted present.

(Date of competition 16th June 2017 at 10:00 a.m)
1. Participants can recite any Quranic verses of their choice for Qirat competition.
2. Participants will be given a fixed time (approx. 4-5 minutes to each participant).
3. If the participants fail to finish in the dedicated time limit, there will be negative marking.
4. A bell will be rung after the first four minutes indicating that the participant should wind up his / her task and another bell will be rung after 5 minutes after which participants will have to conclude his presentation.
Generally, marking criteria will be based on following:
a. talaffuz or pronunciation
b. recitation style
c. Confidence in delivery;
5. Slots are limited so be sure to register early
6. Students must stay until the end of event in order to be counted present.
7. Be a responsible individual. Remember that you are representing the Quran Recitation. Your behaviour should reflect that image.

(Date of competition 17th June 2017 at 10:00 a.m)
1. Only one participant from each institution will be allowed to participate
2. Each contestant will be given 3 to 4 minutes to perform Azan.
3. Participants will be marked, based on the following criteria:
a) Tajweed
b) Clarity of Makhaarij
c) Tone & Style
d) Loudness of Voice and Confidence.

(Date of competition 19th June 2017 at 10:00 a.m)
1. Two to three participants from each institution will be allowed to participate
2. Participants can demonstrate any word/ayah in their calligraphy skills.
3. The style of calligraphy dimensions, colours and other raw materials are at the discretion of the student.
4. Lines must be straight, forms must be consistent.
5. Neatness of finished work, neatness of ink density.
6. General proportioning (layout, proportion, balance, margins etc.)
7. Successful integration of personal embellishments, and symbolism.

This post was last modified on February 24, 2021 11:26 AM

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